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7-Day Freelance Course 👋
7-Day Email Course

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Day 2

Leads are lifeblood.
Getting someone to raise their hand and say, “I’m interested in buying your service,” is the marketing equivalent of striking gold.
Truthfully, this should always be the North Star of your freelance marketing strategy.
Today I want to share a few tactics on how to generate leads, engage them and finally, convert them into recurring clients.

Lead Capture
Create a lead magnet to collect prospect email addresses
Note: Lead magnets (for e.g. an SEO Checklist) can be templates, checklists (or) playbooks that make your clients’ business easy.
Build a landing page where your potential clients would enter their email to download your lead magnet
(P.S :- If you do not have a website, you can build a simple lead form in notion - )
Promote your lead magnet via marketing channels and generate leads (We’re covering this full in Day 3)

Lead Nurture
After 24 hours of downloading your resource, send them an email introducing yourself, your work and add a CTA to book a call with you (The goal is to build relationships)
(You can automate email sequences using SendFox at no cost)

Client Conversion
Now you have contacts of people who know who you are and what you do.
The next steps :-
1/ Conduct research on what can be improved in their businesses (Content/Design/Your niche) for each client.
2/ Send an email campaign pointing out the areas where they could improve and offer them a call to discuss solutions.
3/ Once you get on a call, use the opportunity to help them create a 3 or 6 month plan and close with a timed contract.
Day 3 is a doozy - please make sure not to miss tomorrow’s email. We’ll discuss where your clients hangout (a.k.a marketing channels) and how you can acquire leads & clients from each channel.

Roshan, CEO at Passionbits

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