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Groups such as committees, chapters, and chapter alumnae associations can communicate and collaborate using Google Groups. If you want to invite a group to an event, or share documents with a group, you can send a single email to everyone in the group.

Create a group

If you’d like a group to be created, please send an e-mail to with the following information
Group info
Required Information
Group name
Name that identifies the group in lists and messages. Use these guidelines: Names can be up to 73 characters long. Use names that make it easy to identify the group’s purpose.
Group email
​Email address used for the group. If more than one domain is displayed, select the appropriate domain from the list. Email addresses can be up to 63 characters long. This limit doesn't include the domain portion of the address, such as Some words are reserved and can't be used as email addresses. View reserved words. If you're creating your group in a work or school account, your email address might include a suffix, such as -user-created. For example, if your group name is training, the actual email address might be training-user-created@your_domain.
Group description
Purpose of the group or how it's used. The information appears on the group’s About page. You could include information about group members, group content, an FAQ, links to related groups, and so on.
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List of members & their role
Role Name
Group members
The names or email addresses of people you want to add and assign the member role. By default, group members have basic permissions. Depending on the organization and group settings, these permissions might include viewing and posting to conversations and viewing members. Group owners and managers can add to or limit members’ permissions. Any permissions that are set for the member role are automatically given to managers and owners.
Group managers
The names or email addresses of people you want to add and assign the manager role. By default, managers can do everything that owners can do except: Delete the group Make another member an owner Change an owner’s role or subscription settings Group owners can set any permission to owner-only, further limiting what managers can do. However, managers always have the ability to adjust permissions to include managers. A group can’t be a manager of another group.
Group owners
The names or email addresses of people you want to add and assign the owner role. By default, members with the owner role have all permissions for a group. Many of these permissions can be assigned to other sets of users. Review all member and content management permissions. Only an owner can: Delete a group Make another group member an owner Change another owner’s settings Export group messages using Google Takeout Only group owners and managers can change a group’s settings. For a given group, an administrator can remove some owner permissions, but not others: Can remove—Post messages or add, invite, or approve new members Cannot remove—View members or conversations or contact other owners A group can’t be the owner of another group.
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Message to Group
Welcome message
A message emailed to people when they're added to the group without being invited. This option is available only if Directly add members is on.
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Please allow up to 5 business days to process this request.

Add people to your group

If you're a group owner, or if you have permission to manage members, you can add people to your group in three ways:
Invite someone via email
Add people to your group directly
Approve people who applied to join your group
Note: Invitations expire after 7 days, but requests to join a group never expire. You can resend invitations if they expire.
Maximum group members: A group can have unlimited members, so there’s no limit to the number of people you can invite, add directly, or approve to join a group. However, there is a limit of 500 people that can be added to a group per day.
When you add people directly, you can assign them the member, manager, or owner role.
Sign in to .
Click the name of a group.
On the left, click Members.
At the top, click Add members.
Enter the email addresses of the people to invite.
(Optional) To add a welcome message to the email notification for new members, enter a message.
Click Add members.

View all members of a group

You can view all group members as well as people who have been banned from a group.
Sign in to .
Click the name of a group.
On the left, click Members.
To view people who have been banned from the group, on the left, click Banned users.

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