
Smart Wardrobe: Revolutionizing Daily Dressing with an Intuitive Mobile App

From completely naked to what moves the lives of many people. Clothes have been present in the lives of human beings for about 170 thousand years. Long enough today to make you take a few minutes to decide what to wear, isn’t it?
Whereas our clothes say a lot about us and choosing what to wear is a recurring task in people’s lives. So the question here arises is — How can we use technology to make this task easier and dress better?
That was the exercise I did and I will tell you how in the next lines.

Problem Statement

It’s tough and boring to decide what to wear every day to work. Besides, you don’t want to repeat the same outfit within the same week. So, Let’s Build an app that solves this problem and tells people what to wear today to work based on what they wore before. Considering cases where a user doesn’t like the current combination. Also, need to figure out an easy way to add the user’s existing collection to the wardrobe.
The objective is to create a mobile app that helps users to decide the best combination of cloth for different situations and events.

Design Thinking Process



It was necessary to raise some hypotheses. They would help me understand what was going to be done, for whom, where, when, how and if I was on the right track — as Alice’s cat said:
“For those who don’t know where it goes, any path is good.”
For this, I used the 5W1H (Why, Who, When, Where, What and How) method

- Why ​People want to get noticed and make their mark on the world and something that expresses who we are without saying a word is undoubtedly our clothing.
You probably have an outfit or even a whole favorite look. How do you feel when using it? It is not just a piece of cloth over our bodies, but a code that speaks about our personality and essence.
Easing the task of dressing not only has the benefit of saving time and energy but brings us closer to who we are and makes us better and more confident people.
Virtualizing garments and providing technology that can suggest looks based on the clothes you already have is a great solution for relieving you of your physical presence around your wardrobe and an affordable and simple way to learn what to wear, creating various business opportunities, since the person will already know exactly what to buy.

- Who do ​I assume users of this app belong to:
to age groups from 21–30 years
to all genders
to all social classes.

- When ​I suppose users will use the app at different times, such as:
upon learning of a new event.
at the end of the day to plan the parts of the day after.
on weekends to plan next week’s plays.
to check all the best combinations that can be made by current collection and current weather.

-Where ​One of the benefits of the app is not relying on the physical presence of people in front of the wardrobe to make decisions. So it can be said that the locality would be from anywhere with internet access.

- What ​The wardrobe parts virtualization solution is already in place, but in particular, it does not seem to have attractive and well-explored solutions. The current product is mostly not that much effective and with a few confusing interfaces and low usability.

- How
This app will sync with Google Calendar, so all the workplace events will be captured from it.
According to an event, the system suggests the best combinations for that day
Combinations will be chosen from all the clothes he added in his wardrobe
We can use AI (artificial intelligence) to suggest looks based on the clothes people already have

User Interviews

According to Hick’s Law
“The time to make a decision increases based on the number and complexity of possible options to choose from.”
Following this reasoning, I also hypothesized that people with many garments take longer to decide what to wear.
To better understand my audience, setting, and how accurate my assumptions were, I carried out basic user research to get some insight into this kind of problem. For research purpose, I interviewed a few people.
I have chosen the qualitative research method and prepared the questionnaire for the same.


How many clothes you have in your wardrobe?
How many of them did you wear on a daily basis in your workplace & why you don’t wear others?
How you make a combination of cloth which you want to wear today? How much time does it take?
How do you know that the combination you made is best for the current workplace event?
How do you feel, if there is a product which will show you the best combination of clothes present in your wardrobe, according to your calendar? With it, the combination was as per the latest fashion and dressing trends?

Insights from Ethnographic Research

Through the user interviews, I get the understanding of pain points and challenges people face while finding the best cloth combination for each day. The primary need of the user is they will get to know about the best combination that can be made through their current wardrobe. With it, they also mentioned the things which influence their decision, so mainly if they see some celebrity or some model wearing some clothes in a more attractive way, then they also try to create that combination and try it.

User Problems identified

Can’t wear all cloths present in their wardrobe.
Usually, it repeats the same combination for special office events.
Don’t have so much time to spend on creating the best combinations.
Cant check all latest fashion and dressing trends.



The next step was to use the survey data to create a persona. Persona helped me better understand the group of people I was going to design for, what their pains, needs and especially made me empathize with the audience.


Competitive Analysis (Secondary Research)

After I gathered all the information I needed in order to move into the next phase of the process, I came across the number for apps that are already in the market and trying to solve the same problem by their means. Below are a few examples.



I have skipped the high fidelity wireframe part due to a shortage of time and done some low fidelity paper wireframes.


Based on the information I collected, I created primary screens. Please click on the below Invision link to view the prototype.

1st Iteration

Figma Link

Final Iteration


Proposed Solution

1. A Wardrobe

Where user can add/edit all their current outfits in simple steps and can see them from anywhere.

2. A Look Book

Here user can see all the best and possible combinations which can be made through this current collection. With it, the user can create their custom collections.

3. Third-party API and AI

A google calendar API, Accu Weather API, and a fashion website API will be integrated into this app. This app will help the user to do all the tasks smoothly. With it, AI will help the user to suggest the best combination as per weather and event.


It was an interesting task and I thoroughly enjoyed working and researching for it.
Thanks for reading this :)
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