Student Admission

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Admission Procedure

Logistics Regression Model



Apply the above formula to an example applicant. Let us consider James. His parents make between $15,000 and $35,000 per year. James is a native English speaker, and there are three dependents in James’s family. Both his parents finished high school and attended some college, but neither graduated. Seventy percent of the students at James’s high school are FRL eligible. James attends a rural high school, with one hundred students in the 12th-grade class and a school-wide student-to-teacher ratio of fifteen. His HSGPA is 2.7, and he scored 20 on the ACT. Computing a value for James requires regression coefficients (i.e., parameter estimates for and ) for the logistic model. Those estimates are presented in

exp(-0.96 - 0.07(1) - 0.06(3) + 0.39 - 0.15(1) - 0.003(70) - 0.03(15) + 0.0001(100) + 0.86(2.7) + 0.6(-0.21))
1 + exp(-0.96 - 0.07(1) - 0.06(3) + 0.39 - 0.15(1) - 0.003(70) - 0.03(15) + 0.0001(100) + 0.86(2.7) + 0.6(-0.21))

= 0.64


Gaertner, M. N., & Hart, M. (2013). Considering class: College access and diversity. Harv. L. & Pol'y Rev., 7, 367.(Section: Disadvantage Index) -
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