Automation BackendCreate Lambda to retrieve survey from front end API
Add automatic triggering of Lambda
Extend Lambda to convert coda API data to state machine JSON
Implement DynamoDB for JSON storage
Create Lambda service to retrieve JSON from DynamoDB when triggered Extend Lambda to return a state from JSON when executed with a current-state context Attach API gateway to Lambdas Modify existing/create new Lambda service which receives data from Landbot and stores it in SQL database Set up development environments for Lambdas Implement Endpoint Testing on Lambdas MonitoringImplement monitoring of Lambda triggers Implement monitoring in API code according to delta standards Add metrics to monitor in Landbot Landbot V2Create a development environment in Landbot to test new bots Create a generic bot flow with webhooks that query the Lambda service for survey questions Redesign the signup flow to streamline and debug the process Extend bot flow to send data to Lambda service for DB storage via API call Data HandlingIdentify current database issues Investigate existing database schema Debug Database or Migrate to new schema Frontend RedesignStandardize survey question format Data Visualisation TemplateInvestigate Google Cloud NLP Data CleaningImplement data cleaning pipeline Database Functionality FixEnsure correct mapping of UserID to LandbotProfileID Determine Validation Strategy Update user demographic details from landbot tables Add Sheets data to SurveyResults DB participant statuses and balancesUpdate all user numbers from landbot data
Determine triggers to insert a record into SurveyResults Copy Transactions table and retool logic Set up triggers to insert records into transactions table Test transactions and balances