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Website Homepage Form
Please complete this form so we can show you what your homepage could potentially look like.
Kurt Lopez
What is your business or company name?
What is your “niche”?
Example: SEO, Web Development, Motivational Coach
What product or service are you selling?
If you have an existing site, paste its URL below. If not, proceed to the next item.
Please paste the URL of your top 5 competitors below.
Please give us 5 websites that you like and tell us why.
Please give us 5 websites that you don’t like and why.
If you have the written content you want us to use for your homepage, please paste it in the field below. If not, you can skip this.
Please go to
, pick 5 images you want us to use for your homepage and paste the URL of the images in the fields below.
Please create a color palette at
, and paste the URL of the color palette you have created here.
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