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User stories

Homepage Design

Access Business Overview: As a customer, I want to easily understand the business's mission and offerings.
Navigate Through Product Categories: As a customer, I need a clear way to browse different product categories.
Discover Featured Categories: As a shopper, I want to quickly find special categories like new arrivals and seasonal items.

Category Pages

Filter and Sort Product Listings: As a customer, I want to filter and sort products to find items matching my preferences.
Utilize a Product Search Function: As a customer, I need a search tool to find specific products by name or description.

User Account Management

Create a New User Account: As a new shopper, I want to sign up easily to start ordering and tracking purchases.
Seamless User Login: As a returning shopper, I need a straightforward login process to access my account.
Update Personal and Shipping Details: As a registered user, I want to manage my profile and shipping information.
Review Order History: As a user, I want to view my previous orders for reference and repurchasing.
Submit Product Reviews: As a buyer, I want to leave feedback on items I’ve purchased.
Deactivate and Reactivate Account: As a user, I need an option to deactivate and reactivate my account as required.

Shopping Cart Functionality

Easily Add Products to Cart: As a shopper, I want to add items to my cart smoothly for later checkout.
Manage Items in Shopping Cart: As a buyer, I need to edit or remove items in my cart before purchase.

Product Page Design

Explore Comprehensive Product Details: As a customer, I want detailed product information and visuals to aid my buying decision.
Read Authentic Customer Reviews: As a prospective buyer, I need access to genuine customer reviews for product insights.

Overall Design Principles

Engage with Aesthetically Pleasing UI: As a user, I expect an attractive and functional interface for enjoyable shopping.
Consistent Multi-Device Experience: As a user, I need a uniform shopping experience across various devices.
Access an Inclusive and User-Friendly Site: As a user, particularly those with disabilities, I want a website that’s easy to navigate and use.
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