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Platr business

icon picker
Product testing checklist v1.0

Performed by:

Icon definitions

🟠 - Perform the specified action, save, and then perform next action
🚩 - Item was not completed. Add this to the checklist item that fails the check

Account & Business creation

Create a new account or deactivate existing one
Finish setting up the account
Create a first business
Choose subscription
Go to profile page and update settings
Account details match what was provided during setup
Uploaded ID status is NOT UPLOADED
Update any input (name, last name, phone, etc.) 🟠
Upload a document 🟠
Uploaded ID status is PENDING
Update any input & upload new document
On ‘Manage subscription plan’ page, the selected subscription is ‘free plan’
On ‘Settings & preferences’ can toggle settings and have them saved even after refresh
Can read FAQ
Can send a message to Support
First and last name is pre-filled and editable
Email is pre-filled and editable
Phone is pre-filled and editable
Phone number does not include country code prefix
Message field is empty and allows to type in a message
Can view Activity log
Can deactivate account and start fresh
Can log out
Having a Google account, the user is able to sign into the application and, if the account is new, be navigated to store setup page. On that page, the user is first asked to finish setting up their account. After the account details are filled in, the user can either continue by creating their first business, or skip business setup, and select the subscription they wish to use.
When the setup is finish, the user is navigated to Lobby page, where they can either view their account details, or go to their business.


Inventory & products

When creating or editing a product, we only count as pass if the product has been saved with the exact settings that were provided. This means, after creating or editing a product, you must open the product page and confirm that everything is correct.
The following fields must always be filled:
Image (1, 2, or 3 depending on product specification)

Creating Products

Product 1 - NV
Product 2 - NV SKU STK
Product 3 - WV1 SKU
Can add a maximum of 5 variations
Can remove first variation
Can remove middle variation
Can remove last variation
When variation is removed, the table gets updated & no pre-existing values are lost
After removing variations, can still add up to 5 variations
Product 4 - WV2
Can add two sets of variations
Table gets updated with each variation that is added
When removing variation, the table gets updated and only removes the combinations with the removed variation without resetting the prices of remaining variations
Can add up to 5 variations for the second option group
Product 5 - WV2 STK
Can add two sets of variations
Table gets updated with each variation that is added
When removing variation, the table gets updated and only removes the combinations with the removed variation without resetting the prices of remaining variations
Can add up to 5 variations for the second option group
Can edit stock count on each variation combination
Product 6 - NV 2 images
Product 7 - NV 3 images
User can create a variety of products with any configuration they like. They are also able to create and edit categories. This includes being able to create a new category while they are adding new or editing existing products.

NV - No variations
WV1 - With variations, only one option list
WV2 - With variation, two option lists
SKU - Product with SKU
STK - Product with stock count


Editing Products

Product 1 - NV
Update name
Change category
Update description
Update image
Product 2 - NV SKU STK
Update name
Change category
Update description
Update SKU
Update stock count
Product 3 - WV1 SKU
Can rename option
Can rename variation
Can remove one variation
Can add new variation
Can update variation price
Can update SKU
Product 4 - WV2
Can remove whole variation set
Table gets updated when changes to variation or option names are performed
When removing variation, the table gets updated and only removes the combinations with the removed variation without resetting the prices of remaining variations
Can add up to 5 variations for the second option group
Product 5 - WV2 STK
Can add two sets of variations
Table gets updated with each variation that is added
When removing variation, the table gets updated and only removes the combinations with the removed variation without resetting the prices of remaining variations
Can add up to 5 variations for the second option group
Can edit stock count on each variation combination
Product 6 - NV 2 images 🟠
Can edit image 1
Can edit image 2
Can edit image 1 and 2
Product 7 - NV 3 images 🟠
Can edit image 1
Can edit image 2
Can edit image 3
Can edit image 1, 2, and 3
Pressing “Return” while editing a product shows a confirmation dialog 🟠
Pressing “Save” saves changes and returns user to Inventory page
Pressing “Discard” discards changes and returns user to Inventory page
Can add new category by typing it in on either new product or while editing a product
Can add Note to any product
Can edit Note on any product
User is able to modify any aspect of the product. This includes, but is not limited to, editing variations (adding/removing), or even changing the product to be without variations.

NV - No variations
WV1 - With variations, only one option list
WV2 - With variation, two option lists
SKU - Product with SKU
STK - Product with stock count


Viewing and managing inventory

Can add a new category
Can rename an existing category
Confirm max length of allowed category name is 20 characters (including spaces) 🟠
Four score and seven
Can filter products by category
Can sort products
Can archive a product
Can remove product from archive
Can download barcode for product with SKU
Product without SKU has “Export Barcode” option disabled and clicking it does nothing
Product with stock count shows the amount in stock
Product without stock count does not have stock count label
If stock count is below 50, the stock count label is red
While navigating inventory, the user can see all the items in the inventory. If needed, they can sort the inventory, or use the category filter to only view items in a certain category.
Users can easily archive a product and/or remove a product from archive. Archived products will not be shown in the inventory and are only accessible via the “Archived products” screen.



Manual order

The manual order add depends on the inventory working correctly. This means that this check can only

Adding items to cart

The user is able to add any product they have in the inventory. If the product is configured to not have stock count, the app allows unlimited amount. If, on the other hand, the product has limited stock, the maximum amount of items that can be added to the order must not exceed the stock count.
While finalizing the order, the user is able to either select an existing client from a list, or create a new client. The newly created client will be automatically saved and should be accessible in the “Existing client” setting.



Can see all the active orders
Can drag and drop orders to change their state
Can click on View more to get navigated to order screen
When clicking clear in the Done column, all the orders in the Done column get removed and state preserved after page refresh
Manual Add Order button navigates to Manual Add Order screen
Order History button navigates to Order History screen
The user can see all the orders at a glance with the ability to change an order state by dragging and dropping the order into the relevant column.
Helping them keep a cleaner overview, the user is able to clear all the completed orders, so the column is not always filled with order cards.


Order overview

Can change state of the order
Pressing Go back system navigates back to Orders screen
Can see every product in the order
If product has variations, the variations are listen alongside the name
If product has SKU, the S/N column shows the SKU for that product
The prices for products is accurate
The prices for products with variations are accurate
Can add new notes
Can view notes
Can edit existing notes
Can download invoice
Invoice contains accurate information about the order (matches what the order screen contains)
The user can see full overview of an order. Page provides some additional controls, like adding order-specific notes, downloading an invoice in PDF format, and sending an invoice to the customer’s email address.


Order history

Can see all the orders
By clicking on an order, system navigates to the order screen
On the order screen, it is not possible to modify any data
On the order screen, it is possible to download invoice
By clicking Return on the order screen, system navigates back to order history screen
The user can view all the orders they’ve had. By clicking on an order, they are navigated to the order page to see exactly what the order included. Even completed orders allow the user to download an invoice and send it to their client if such need arises.



Can see total balance of business (online + offline sales)
Can see wallet balance (online sales)
Can see cash balance (offline sales)
Can see transaction history
Can press on a specific item in transaction history table to see details
If transaction history item is for an order, can press on the order number and gets navigated to that order screen
Can add a transaction income
Can select Cash or Pay link for payment method type
Can create an income with cash
Can create an income with pay link. The pay link automatically generates right away
Can select either one-time or recurring
Can add expenditure
Only option for payment method is Cash
Can select One-time or Recurring
After refreshing the page, the transaction history table shows the manually added transactions
Can withdraw money if there was an online transaction done

The user can get a proper overview of their finances. From the general transaction history, to an actual worth of their inventory. The charts on the screen show how the numbers have changed over several months.
The user is also able to manually add transactions or withdraw money from their account, if the money was acquired via online transactions.



Can edit any field and save changes
Web shop tag input only allows characters from a-z, numbers, and hyphens
Web shop tag translates spaces into hyphens on the fly
The user can easily update the details for their business. This includes the name, tag, location, and any other information relating to the business.

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