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The complete slack guide: How to master this collaboration tool

Get the most out of your conversations, projects and meetings and take your team to the next level of efficiency!
Slack is a team communication and collaboration platform that allows users to send messages and exchange files, images, and other media in real-time.
It is designed to make it easier for teams to stay connected and collaborate, regardless of location or time zone.


Here is a guide on how to install and set up Slack for a user:
To install Slack, visit the Slack website () and click the "Get Slack" button.
Select the appropriate version of Slack for your operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux) and click "Download Slack."
Once the download is complete, open the downloaded file to begin the installation process. Follow the prompts to install Slack on your computer. (screenshot)
Once Slack has been installed, open the app and click the "Sign in" button.
Enter your email address and click "Continue."
On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter your password. Enter your password and click "Sign in." (screenshot)
If you are not already a member of a Slack workspace, you will be asked to join one now. Enter the workspace's name or email address and click "Continue."
You will be sent an email with a link to join the workspace. Follow the link to complete the process and join the workspace. (screenshot)
Once you have joined the workspace, you will be taken to the Slack dashboard. Here you can see all of the channels in the workspace and communicate with your team members. (screenshot)
To customise your profile and notification settings, click on your profile picture in the top-left corner of the screen and select "Settings & preferences." (screenshot)
That's it! You are now set up and ready to use Slack to communicate and collaborate with your team.

Settings and preference

Here are a few other settings and preferences that you might want to consider configuring in Slack:
Notifications - You can customise how you receive notifications in Slack by going to "Settings & preferences" and selecting the "Notifications" tab. From here, you can choose which types of messages you want to receive notifications for, as well as how you want to receive them (e.g. via desktop notifications, email, or SMS).
Keyboard shortcuts - Slack offers a variety of keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to navigate and use the app. To view and customise these shortcuts, go to "Settings & preferences" and select the "Keyboard shortcuts" tab.
Appearance - You can customise the appearance of Slack by changing the colour scheme and layout. To do this, go to "Settings & preferences" and select the "Appearance" tab.
Workspace settings - If you are an administrator of a Slack workspace, you can access workspace-wide settings by clicking on the name of the workspace in the top-left corner of the screen and selecting "Workspace settings." From here, you can customise settings such as permissions, integrations, and compliance exports.
Remember, these are just a few examples of the many settings and preferences available in Slack. You can always explore the app further to find additional customisation options.

Basic Rule

Here are a few basic rules that you might want to consider implementing in your company's Slack workspace:
Keep channels focused and on-topic. Each channel should have a specific purpose and team members should only post messages that are relevant to that purpose.
Use @mentions sparingly. When you @mention someone in a channel, it sends them a notification. To avoid overwhelming team members with notifications, only @mention them when it is truly necessary.
Follow proper etiquette. Just like in any other professional setting, it's important to be respectful and considerate in Slack conversations. Avoid using all caps, using excessive emojis, or using offensive language.
Keep confidential information private. If you need to discuss sensitive or confidential information, consider using a private channel or direct message rather than posting in a public channel.
Use threads for lengthy discussions. When a conversation in a channel starts to get lengthy or off-topic, consider starting a thread to keep the main channel focused.
By following these basic rules, you can help ensure that your company's Slack workspace is a productive and efficient place for team collaboration.


Slack channels are a way for teams to communicate and collaborate around specific topics or projects.

How to join a channel in Slack

To join a channel in Slack, click the "Channels" tab in the sidebar and then click the "+" icon next to "Channels". (screenshot)
In the "Browse channels" window that appears, you can browse the channels that are available to you. You can filter the channels by name or type, or use the search bar to find a specific channel. (screenshot)
To join a channel, click on the channel name and then click the "Join channel" button. (screenshot)
If you are an administrator of your Slack workspace, you can also create your own channels by clicking the "Create a channel" button in the sidebar. (screenshot)
Keep in mind that you may need to request permission to join certain channels, depending on your team's settings.

Creating a channel in Slack

You can also create your own channels by clicking the "Create a channel" button in the sidebar.
Some good channels to create for a software business with remote teams might include:
"Announcements" - A channel for important updates, news, and announcements from leadership or other key stakeholders.
"Project Updates" - A channel for team members to share progress updates and ask for feedback on their work.
"General" - A general discussion channel for non-work-related conversations and building team camaraderie.
"Questions" - A channel for team members to ask questions and get help from their colleagues.
"Resources" - A channel for sharing helpful resources, such as tutorials, templates, and best practices.
Remember, it's important to keep channels focused and on-topic to ensure that team members can easily find the information they need and stay focused on their work.


In Slack, threads are a way to have focused, in-depth discussions within a channel without cluttering up the main conversation. When you start a thread in a channel, it creates a separate conversation within the channel that is connected to the original message.

How to use threads in Slack:

To start a thread in Slack, click the "Start a thread" icon next to the message you want to reply to. This icon looks like a speech bubble with three dots.
Type your reply in the thread input box and press "Enter" to post it.
To view all of the replies in a thread, click the "Expand thread" icon next to the original message.
To reply to a specific message within a thread, hover over the message and click the "Reply" icon.
To collapse a thread, click the "Collapse thread" icon next to the original message. This can be helpful if you want to reduce clutter in a channel.
Keep in mind that you can only start a thread in a public channel or in a private channel that you are a member of.

Direct message

Direct messages (DMs) in Slack allow you to have private conversations with individual team members or small groups.

How do I use direct messages in Slack?

To start a DM, click on the person's name in the sidebar and select "Message" from the menu. You can also start a new DM by typing "/dm @username" in any channel or by clicking the "Start a direct message" button in the sidebar.

Direct message (DM) policy for Slack

Use DMs for private conversations only. DMs should not be used for conversations that are relevant to the entire team or could be held in a public channel.
Keep DMs focused and on-topic. Avoid using DMs for casual or off-topic conversations.
Respect others' privacy. Do not share the contents of a DM without the sender's permission.
Be mindful of notification preferences. Before sending a DM, consider whether the recipient has their notification preferences set to receive notifications for DMs. If they do not, consider using a different form of communication.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that DMs are used effectively and efficiently within your team.

File sharing

In Slack, file sharing refers to the ability to upload and share files with your team members in channels or direct messages (DMs). You can share a variety of file types in Slack, including documents, images, videos, and more.
Once a file has been shared, team members can view, download, or comment on it. Depending on your team's settings, you may also be able to edit or delete the file.
File sharing in Slack can be a useful way to collaborate with your team and access important resources, as long as you follow best practices for file management and security.

How do I share files in Slack?

To share a file in Slack, click the "Add file" button in the message input box and select the file you want to share. You can also drag and drop a file into the message input box or use the "/file" command to share a file from a specific channel or DM.

File sharing policy for Slack:

Use appropriate channels for sharing files. Files should be shared in the most relevant channel or direct message (DM) for the topic or project at hand.
Use descriptive filenames. Use descriptive and specific filenames to help others understand the contents of the file.
Keep file sizes reasonable. Large files can slow down Slack and make it difficult for team members to access them. Consider using a file sharing service like Google Drive or Dropbox for larger files.
Use threads for lengthy or detailed file discussions. If you need to have a lengthy or detailed discussion about a file, consider using a thread to keep the main conversation focused.
Do not share confidential or sensitive information. Do not share confidential or sensitive information in Slack or through any files shared in Slack. Use a secure file sharing service or secure communication method instead.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your team can easily access and share the files they need while also protecting sensitive information.


Slack integrations allow you to connect Slack to other tools and services that your team uses. This can help you automate tasks, streamline workflows, and get more out of Slack.
There are hundreds of integrations available in the Slack App Directory, covering a wide range of categories such as project management, customer support, HR, and more. Some examples of popular Slack integrations include:
Google Drive - Allows you to share and collaborate on Google Drive files directly in Slack.
Trello - Allows you to manage your Trello boards and receive updates in Slack.
Zoom - Allows you to schedule and start Zoom meetings directly from Slack.
Jira - Allows you to track and manage your team's work in Jira directly from Slack.

How do I use Slack integrations?

Slack integrations allow you to connect Slack to other tools and services that your team uses. To set up an integration, go to "Settings & preferences" and select the "Integrations" tab. From here, you can browse and install integrations from the App Directory or create your own custom integrations using Slack's API.

Integration policy for slack

Use integrations to improve productivity and streamline workflows. Integrations should be used to automate tasks and make it easier for your team to get work done.
Follow best practices for integration security. When setting up an integration, be sure to follow best practices for integration security, such as using secure connections and reviewing the security policies of the integration provider.
Use integrations appropriately. Do not use integrations for any purpose that could compromise the security or integrity of your team's data.
Obtain approval before installing new integrations. Before installing a new integration, team members must obtain approval from a designated team member or manager. This approval should be based on the potential benefits and any potential risks of the integration.
Keep integration permissions up to date. Regularly review the integration permissions for your team's Slack workspace and ensure that only necessary permissions are granted.
Report any integration-related issues. If you encounter any issues with an integration, report them to the appropriate team member or the integration provider as soon as possible.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your team is using integrations effectively and securely, while also maintaining control over which integrations are used within your organisation.


Slack offers a variety of commands that you can use to quickly perform actions or access information within the app.

Useful commands in Slack

"/away" - Set your status to "away" to let your team know that you are not currently available.
"/collapse" - Collapse a thread to reduce clutter in a channel.
"/expand" - Expand a collapsed thread to view the full conversation.
"/mute" - Mute a channel to stop receiving notifications from it.
"/open" - Open a direct message or channel to view it.
"/remind" - Set a reminder for yourself or someone else.
"/search" - Search for messages or files within Slack.
"/shortcuts" - View a list of available keyboard shortcuts.
"/shrug" - Add a shrug emoji (¯_(ツ)_/¯) to your message.
"/who" - Display a list of people in a channel.
Keep in mind that this is just a small sample of the many commands available in Slack.
You can find a complete list of commands by typing "/" in the message input box and selecting "All commands" from the menu.


If you're having trouble with Slack, the first thing you should try is to refresh the app. If that doesn't solve the problem, you can try quitting and reopening the app, or check the Slack status page () to see if there are any known issues. If you're still having trouble, you can contact Slack support for further assistance.
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.