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AI Content for Business: Benefits and Challenges of Automating Content

Unlock your creativity by leveraging AI and get quality content on a new level!
Are you looking for a new way to generate content quickly and efficiently while gaining insights into how you can improve your bottom line?

This guide will discuss Frase AI Content Creator, what it offers, and why it may be worth considering for your business's upcoming content needs.

By the end of this guide, you'll have a clear understanding of how to use Frase AI Content Creator to create more interesting and effective content.

Let's get started!


AI content for business

As technology evolves, businesses look for new ways to quickly and effectively create content.

One new tool that can greatly assist with this task is Frase AI Content Creator, which is an AI-based platform designed to help generate quality content quickly and easily.

This platform uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand the context of a given topic and write high-quality, engaging content within minutes instead of hours or days.

AI content uses artificial intelligence (AI) for natural language processing and machine learning to comprehend, interpret and respond to text-based content like articles, reports, blog posts and other forms of writing.

AI content allows machines to understand the context of a given topic and write high-quality content efficiently and cost-effectively.

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Learn more about AI, NLP, ML

AI-powered software can analyze large datasets quickly, providing insights into customer trends or topical conversations within defined parameters so they are better equipped to create content relevant to their intended audience. AI also enables writers or marketers to discover new topics by leveraging predictive analytics across large pools of data sources.
In addition, AI allows businesses to automate certain tasks, such as social media marketing or curation of relevant content across channels, with minimal human involvement.
It can also help optimize search engine visibility, often leading to increased organic website visits and improving digital customer experience with personalized webpages tailored towards individual user preferences. Modern organizations often seek AI solutions when looking for ways to increase their website traffic, reduce customer service labour costs, and generate targeted leads and sales conversions online.
Overall, the ability of machines using AI technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning algorithms gives organizations the potential for more precise selections when generating content developed from myriad data sources around a given subject matter.
This level of efficiency offers marketers expanded coverage on various topics more quickly than ever before as well as improved ROI on investments made in software development resources for complex technical projects requiring substantial attention from team members who specialize in IT solutions execution.


Frase AI content platform

In today's digital world, content plays an important role in businesses' success.

Writing quality content that resonates with your target audience requires a significant amount of time and effort. In order to save precious time and energy, businesses are turning to AI-powered content creation tools like ChatGPT and other products like

With Frase AI, you can generate well-structured blog posts, content and business documentation in a fraction of the time it would take to manually create them.

This document will detail the benefits of using Frase AI for business product content and documentation. ​Saves Time: One of the most significant benefits of using Frase AI is the amount of time it saves you from making a content from scratch. Rather than spending hours researching, creating an outline, writing, editing, and formatting your post, you can generate high-quality content in minutes with Frase AI's automated process and custom templates.
Improves Content Quality: Not only does Frase AI save time but it also improves the quality of the blog post by providing the top 20 search results for any given keyword, questions from Quora, Reddit & People Also Ask information. Keyword clustering and NLP backed by advanced SEO algorithms that guide for ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Relevant Content: Through its natural language processing capabilities combined with the top 20 search results, Frase builds detailed outlines on any keyword or topic. Meaning this allows for creation of up-to-date/timely relevant content easily researchable with just a few clicks. Including, Stats, Wikipedia, News, Questions and more
Easy To Use Platform: The intuitive nature of the Frase AI platform makes it easy for anyone with any level of experience to generate amazing content quickly and efficiently without having extensive knowledge about AI, SEO or writing needed for successful blogs posts and content creation.
Reduced Cost for Businesses: Using automated tools like Frase AI eliminates expensive costs associated with not only professional writing services but a wide range of business activities such as emails, meeting planners, company policies, company core values, onboarding documentation and so much more.


Overall, using Frase AI for blog post creation provides many advantages compared to traditional methods, such as increased speed, improved quality resulting in greater engagement from readers, easy use regardless of technical background, and reduced costs associated with manual methods.
For these reasons, businesses should strongly consider using Frase AI Content Creator for their content needs. Still, there are some drawbacks and implications to consider, which we'll cover in the next section.

Thinking about A.I content?

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Great powers come with great responsibility

It's important to remember that AI is a tool, and like any tool, it has its strengths and limitations.

While it can be incredibly powerful for automating certain tasks and increasing efficiency, it's not a "silver bullet" solution for every problem. Therefore, it should be used as a means to an end rather than an end in itself.

AI can be a valuable tool for automating certain tasks, such as generating headlines, summaries, or outlines. However, it's important to remember that AI-generated content is only as good as the data it's been trained on.

It may not always produce the most accurate or reliable information. Therefore, it's important to use AI in conjunction with human expertise and oversight, rather than relying on it as the sole source of content.

It's also important to remember that AI does not replace human creativity or critical thinking. While it can be used to generate ideas or outlines, it's important to have human writers, editors, and marketers to craft high-quality content that resonates with the target audience.

When using and AI content creator for content production, several implications must be considered. Overall, it is important to remember that while AI can be a powerful tool for content production, it must be used responsibly and with consideration for its implications.

AI should be used as a tool to support and enhance human capabilities, not as a replacement for them. And it is important to keep in mind that AI is not a silver bullet solution for all content production needs.

Thinking about A.I content?

Learn more about Frase AI platformget started with a FREE trial today!


Features and integrations

Frase and documentation

Frase is a tool that can be used to analyse search engine results, automate content creation, and optimise content for search engines. It has a variety of features and functionalities that can be used to manage and organise documents.
The Formatting Toolbar
This allows users to format text within a document, such as bolding or italicizing text, creating headings, and adding bullet points.
Creating a Document
Users can create a new document by clicking on the "New" button and selecting "Document" from the dropdown menu. They can then add text, images, and other content to the document.
Sharing Documents
Users can share documents with others by clicking on the "Share" button and entering the email addresses of the people they want to share the document with. They can also set permissions for the people they share the document with, such as allowing them to view or edit the document.
Commenting on a Document
Users can leave comments on a document by clicking on the "Comment" button and typing their comment into the text box. They can also reply to comments left by others.
Creating Folders
Users can create folders to organize their documents by clicking on the "New" button and selecting "Folder" from the dropdown menu. They can then drag and drop documents into the folder.
Changing Document Owner
Users can change the owner of a document by clicking on the "More" button and selecting "Change Owner" from the dropdown menu. They can then enter the email address of the new owner.
Changing Document Status
Users can change the status of a document by clicking on the "More" button and selecting "Change Status" from the dropdown menu. They can then select the new status from a list of options.
Update Document Settings
Users can update the settings for a document by clicking on the "More" button and selecting "Settings" from the dropdown menu. They can then make changes to the document's title, description, and other settings.
Bulk Import Documents
Users can import multiple documents at once by clicking on the "Import" button and selecting the documents they want to import.
Delete Document
Users can delete a document by clicking on the "More" button and selecting "Delete" from the dropdown menu.
Lost or Accidentally Deleted Content
If a user has lost or accidentally deleted content, they can try looking for it in the trash folder. If the content is not in the trash folder, they may have to reach out to the Frase support team for assistance.

Briefs & Outline

Frase has a number of features that can be used to create content briefs and outlines.
Automated Content Brief
Frase's "Automated Brief" feature allows users to quickly generate a summary of the top search engine results for a given query. This can be used as a starting point for creating a content brief.
SERP Explorer
The SERP Explorer allows users to view the top search engine results for a given query and filter the results by headers, questions, and statistics. This can be used to identify key topics and insights for a content brief.
Outline Builder
The Outline Builder allows users to create an outline of a document by clicking on headers from the SERP results in a horizontally scrollable view. This can be used to organize the content for a content brief.
Create Brief Template
Users can create a template for a content brief by selecting "New" and "Brief" from the main menu. They can then add text, images, and other content to the template.
Insert Brief Templates
Users can insert brief templates into a document by clicking on the "Insert" button and selecting the template they want to use.
Examples of Brief Templates
Examples of brief templates include templates for blog posts, product descriptions, and social media posts.
Share Brief Templates
Users can share brief templates with others by clicking on the "Share" button and entering the email addresses of the people they want to share the template with.
Brief with Split Screen
Frase also has a feature called "Split Screen" that allows users to view a brief template and SERP explorer side by side, making it easier to reference the SERP results while creating the brief.
Frase has a variety of features that can be used to create content briefs and outlines, such as Automated Content Brief, SERP Explorer, Outline Builder, Create Brief Template, Insert Brief Templates, and Share Brief Templates. These features can help users to quickly identify key topics and insights for a content brief, organise the content, and create a comprehensive and effective brief in a short time.

Content Optimisation

Frase has a number of features that can be used to optimise content for search engines.
Topic Score
The Topic Score feature in Frase uses machine learning algorithms to automatically extract key topics from the top 20 search engine results for a given query. These scores can be used to identify which topics are most relevant to the query and prioritize them in your content.
Topic Status
This feature allows you to see the status of each topic, whether it's been covered, partially covered, or not covered in your content.
SERP Scores
Frase also has a SERP Score feature which allows you to see how your content is performing in relation to your competitors in search engine result pages.
Topic Clusters
Frase also has a Topic Clusters feature which allows you to group topics together based on their relevance to one another. This can be used to identify patterns and themes in your content and make it more comprehensive.
Topic Heatmap
Frase also has a Topic Heatmap feature which allows you to see how frequently topics are appearing in your content. This can be used to identify which topics are most important to your audience and ensure that you are addressing them adequately.
Topic Score Has Changed
With this feature, Frase alerts you when a topic score has changed, allowing you to make updates to your content accordingly.
Low Quality Topics
Frase also has a feature that allows you to identify low-quality topics that do not contribute much to your content, and remove them.
Blacklist Topics
You can also blacklist certain topics from being included in your content.
Highlight Topics
Frase also has a feature that allows you to highlight the most important topics in your content, making them easier for readers to find.
Related Topics
Frase also has a feature that allows you to see related topics for a given topic, which can be used to identify new angles and subtopics to include in your content.
Download Topics
Users can also download a list of all the topics that have been extracted from the search results.
Internal and External Links
Frase also allows you to identify internal and external links coming from the results pulled in the Research tab. If connected to your Google Search Console, you'll also have an internal linking option based on keyword input.
Visualize SERP Metrics
Frase also has a feature that allows you to visualize SERP metrics such as Domain Authority, backlink count, and more, for the top 20 results for your query. These metrics can be used to identify which websites are the most authoritative and influential in your field and can help to inform your content strategy.
Frase offers a variety of features for content optimisation , such as Topic Score, Topic Status, SERP Scores, Topic Clusters, Topic Heatmap, Topic Score Has Changed, Low Quality Topics, Blacklist Topics, Highlight Topics, Related Topics, Download Topics, Internal and External Links, Visualise SERP Metrics. These features can help you to identify the most relevant topics for your content, optimise your content for search engines, and make it more comprehensive and effective.

AI Writer

Frase's AI Writer is a feature that allows users to generate content based on a given query or background context.
Background Context
The AI Writer uses background context to understand the topic and context of the content it is generating. This can include information such as the target audience, the tone of the content, and the purpose of the content.
Write Button + Settings
To use the AI Writer, users can click the "Write" button and input a query or background context. They can also access settings to adjust the tone, style, and length of the generated content.
AI Writer Keyboard Shortcuts
Frase's AI Writer also includes keyboard shortcuts, which can make it easier to use the AI Writer and make the writing process more efficient.
AI Writing Tools
Frase's AI Writer includes a variety of AI writing tools such as paragraph and sentence rewriter, AI SERP summarization, and AI SERP draft, which can help users to generate high-quality content quickly.
Community AI Tools
Frase also allows users to share and access custom AI tools created by the community.
Creativity Control
Frase's AI Writer also allows users to adjust the level of creativity in the generated content, allowing them to choose between human-like or machine-like text.
Paragraph and Sentence Rewriter
The AI Writer also includes a paragraph and sentence rewriter that can help users to improve the readability and coherence of the generated content.
AI Writer Transitions
Frase's AI Writer also includes AI Writer Transitions which can help users to improve the flow and structure of the generated content.
Moving Between, or Writing Within Paragraphs
Frase's AI Writer can also move between or write within paragraphs, based on the context and the user's preferences.
AI SERP Summarisation
The AI Writer can also summarize the top SERP results for a given query, which can be used as a starting point for creating content.
Frase's AI Writer also allows users to generate a draft of the content based on the top SERP results for a given query.
AI Write from SERP
Frase's AI Writer also allows users to generate content directly from the SERP results.
Article Rewriter
Frase's AI Writer also includes an article rewriter that can help users to improve the readability and coherence of existing content.
Plagiarism Check
Frase's AI Writer also includes a plagiarism checker that can help users to ensure that the generated content is original.
Off Topic or Repetitive Output
Frase's AI Writer also includes a feature that can detect off topic or repetitive output, which can help users to improve the quality of the generated content.
Grammar Mistakes
Frase's AI Writer also includes a feature that can detect grammar mistakes and suggest corrections
AI Writer Non-User Access
Frase's AI Writer is a feature that requires a user to have access to the Frase platform in order to use it. Without access, it would not be possible to use the AI Writer to generate content.
AI Tool Variable Naming Convention
AI Tool Variable Naming Convention: Frase's AI tools use a consistent variable naming convention to make it easy for users to understand the purpose and functionality of each tool. The naming convention follows a logical structure, and the names are self-explanatory. This makes it easy for users to navigate the platform and find the right tool for their needs.
Frase's AI Writer is a feature that requires a user to have access to the Frase platform in order to use it. And Frase's AI tools use a consistent variable naming convention, which makes it easy for users to understand the purpose and functionality of each tool and navigate the platform easily.


Frase's Search Engine Results Page (SERP) feature allows users to analyse the top search engine results for a given query and optimise their content accordingly.
Failure to Process Result
In some cases, the SERP feature may fail to process a result due to a technical issue. If this happens, the user can try re-running the search or contact Frase's support team for assistance.
Missing Headers in Research tab
In some cases, the headers of search results may not appear in the Research tab. This can be due to the website's coding or other technical issues.
Missing Content - "Import URL" feature
If a user find missing content in the SERP, they can use the "Import URL" feature to import the missing content from a specific URL.
Inaccurate SERP
In some cases, the SERP results may be inaccurate. This can be due to changes in the search algorithm or other technical issues.
Filter Search By Domain
Frase allows users to filter search results by domain, which can help them to focus on the most relevant results for their query.
Blacklist Search Results
Frase also allows users to blacklist certain search results, which can help them to avoid irrelevant or low-quality results.
Add Custom URL to Results
Frase also allows users to add custom URLs to the search results, which can help them to include relevant results that may not have been included in the initial SERP results.
Originality Score
Frase also calculates an originality score for each result in the SERP, which can help users to identify which results are the most original and unique.
Domain Authority and Backlink Data
Frase also provides Domain Authority and Backlink data for each result in the SERP, which can help users to identify the most authoritative and influential websites in their field.
Visualize SERP Metrics
Frase also allows users to visualize SERP metrics such as Domain Authority, backlink count, and more, for the top 20 results for your query.
SERP Language and Country
Frase allows users to filter the SERP results by language and country, which can help them to focus on the most relevant results for their query.
AI SERP Summarization
Frase's AI Writer can also summarize the top SERP results for a given query, which can be used as a starting point for creating content.
Frase's AI Writer also allows users to generate a draft of the content based on the top SERP results for a given query.
AI Write from SERP
Frase's AI Writer also allows users to generate content directly from the SERP results.
Topic Planner
Frase also has a Topic Planner feature that allows users to identify key topics and insights from the top SERP results for a given query, and then use this information to plan and optimize their content.
Automatic FAQs from SERP
Frase also allows users to automatically generate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from the top SERP results for a given query. This can be useful for creating content that addresses common questions and concerns related to a particular topic.
Frase's SERP feature provides users with a variety of tools and features that can be used to analyse and optimise their content for search engines. These include the ability to filter search results by domain, blacklist irrelevant results, add custom URLs to the results, visualise SERP metrics, generate originality scores, view Domain Authority and backlink data, AI SERP summarisation , AI SERP draft, AI Write from SERP, Topic Planner, and Automatic FAQs from SERP. These tools can help users to create high-quality, optimised content that is more likely to rank well in search engines.

Content Analytics

Content analytics refers to the process of analysing and measuring the performance of your website's content. Frase offers a content analytics feature that allows users to track and analyse the performance of their content in Google Search Console.
Frase Content Analytics Overview
Frase's content analytics feature provides users with an overview of their website's performance in Google Search Console, including information on search traffic, clicks, impressions, and click-through rate (CTR). It also allows users to see which keywords are driving traffic to their website and which pages are performing the best.
Google Search Console Integration
Frase's content analytics feature is integrated with Google Search Console, which allows users to access and analyze data directly from their Google Search Console account.
Accessing Multiple Sites From GSC Account
Frase's content analytics feature allows users to access data from multiple sites from a single Google Search Console account.
Integrating Multiple Google Search Console Accounts
Frase's content analytics feature also allows users to integrate multiple Google Search Console accounts, which can be useful for managing multiple websites or clients.
Frase's content analytics feature allows users to track and analyse the performance of their content in Google Search Console, providing an overview of search traffic, clicks, impressions, and click-through rate (CTR). It also allows users to see which keywords are driving traffic to their website and which pages are performing the best. Additionally, it's integrated with Google Search Console, and allows users to access data from multiple sites from a single Google Search Console account, and also integrating multiple Google Search Console Accounts.


Frase offers a number of integrations and extensions that can be used to enhance the content creation and optimisation process.
Google Docs Add-on
Frase has a Google Docs add-on that allows users to access Frase's research, optimization, and writing features directly from their Google Docs document. This can make it easier to integrate Frase's tools into the content creation process and improve the efficiency of the workflow. The Google Docs Add-on allows Frase customers on the Team Plan to access the power of Frase from inside any Google Doc, allowing for collaboration with an unlimited number of contributors. To enable the Add-on, open Frase, navigate to Account-->Integrations, and click the "Install Add-on" option button. The Add-on will then be installed through the Google Workspace Marketplace. Once installed, open a new Google Doc and select "Frase" from the "Add-ons" menu option at the top of the screen. The Add-on will prompt you to link a Frase Document, which can be done by returning to Frase, opening the desired Frase Document, and copying the link to paste into the Add-on sidebar. Once linked, the research and topics associated with the Frase Document will be loaded in the Add-on sidebar for use in the Google Doc.
Frase Summariser - Chrome Extension
Frase also has a Chrome extension called Frase Summarizer which allows users to summarize any webpage or document with just one click. This can be useful for quickly extracting key insights and ideas from a piece of content.
Google Search Console Integration
Frase's content analytics feature is integrated with Google Search Console, which allows users to access and analyze data directly from their Google Search Console account.
WordPress Integration
Frase also has a WordPress integration that allows users to access Frase's research, optimization, and writing features directly from the WordPress editor. This can make it easier to optimize and publish high-quality content on a WordPress website.
Frase offers a variety of integrations and extensions that can be used to enhance the content creation and optimisation process, such as Google Docs Add-on, Frase Summariser - Chrome Extension, Google Search Console Integration and WordPress integration. These integrations can make it easier
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