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September Email Sequence Analysis

Step 1

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structure of email
Step A had a better report
Emails should have a short first line - personal “adam brown 2017
A is the winner

Step 2

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should do separate sequences
should only run 2 types of tests at once
C & D are the winners & are tied

Step 3

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testing diff sub lines and diff bodies at the same time makes it hard to get insights
b → c they have diff subject lines. B had emoji and got lower open rate but marginally smaller reply rate. C had more opens and more clicks. C wins
e → f e has an emoji in sub line and f does not. e had a higher number of replies. e wins
not having an emoji in sub line results in more overall engagements
d → e same sub lines but diff bodies. D has “let me know if you want me to hook you up w free account”. Click through rates are the same but d has less of a reply rate but a higher click thr rate
don’t do A - F tests and avoid emojis
20 tho college freelancers gets a slightly less open rate then beta invite but still solid

Step 4

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Social Media Intern got higher open rates and engagement than “College Freelancer” Subject Line
Seems like excluding the company name in subject line, may slightly decrease open rate, but email tends to have better engagement
Same as above, we should not split in more than 2-3 tests. Buckets become small and hard to gleen useful information

Next Steps

export august campaign prospects and end / complete cadence. Those who did not start step 1 will be added to October & those that were mid sequence will be added to a diff mix max campaign
adjust send times on sept campaign to be half the day. No longer add new prospects to this cadence
start adding 150 a day to October cadence and have run time be second half of day
Finish Oct set up

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