Spirit of the event: Not competitive, celebrating Nicole and having a blast!
Welcome our MCs and Honorary Trainers; Vince and Kim!!!
Opening Prayer:
Vince will lead and opening prayer.
Workout 1: Over the Hill
1 mile hill run (2 people from each team)
Seniors: Rock Walk
All runners start at the same time.
When both runners return, 2 non-running team members do: (Filter in to wall balls first, if they are full start another movement and go back to wall balls)
40 - 10 lb wall balls (each - one ball per team)
Seniors: ATG Squats
40 snatches: L/R equals 2 (Men 45 lb, Women 35lb)
Seniors: 40 Suit case cleans 12-15lbs
40 military push ups (each)
Seniors: Wall Pushups
All 4 athletes do 40 smack abs (each)
Seniors: Regular Sit Ups or Crunches
Workout 2: Lordy Lordy Nicole is 40
All athletes complete 40 rounds of:
4 Lunges (L/R equals 2)
3 ATG Squats
2 Push Ups
Seniors: 2 Box Pushups (Put hands on box and do push up)