The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
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5. Performance Management Systems

Empower HRBPs and managers alike with tools to engage and enable top performance.

Problem: Managers crave more support to run their teams effectively

Managers are stretched thin and often feel as though they can only spend so much time on people processes and programs, yet usually want to make sure they are doing all they can to promote good performance and strong engagement. Doing so however, takes proactive, focused effort. We all know it’s never a good feeling to catch a performance issue too late or lose a top team member when they’re needed most. Managers need simple ways to stay on top of their talent, stay in close alignment with the People team, and engage the team in everyday activities— and a way to do all this in a customized way to fit their style and preferences. So many times, HRBPs try to pull together docs or other tools to fit the needs of each team, taking valuable time they could otherwise be spending coaching and enabling your people.

calibration leads to good feedback conversations (postive and constructive)
more visibility to others on the team

Solution: Don’t reinvent the wheel each time. Templatize, then customize to pass on tools and frameworks that work.

You or your HRBPs can give these templates below to your managers so they have the tools they need to stay connected to you, have all the information in one place, and ultimately retain and engage top talent. From the ability to have a single source of truth and action plans for talent, to customized light-weight performance calibration processes, Coda is the dynamic tool of choice. Plus, remember to mind your biases! There’s a Coda doc for that as well.

Coda templates to highlight:

Before you click open the template, let us walk you through them:

Solutions you’ve been looking for.

Story arc:
daily tool for hrbp to partner with managers (talk about the ease) > calibration moment (easier since documentation and can refer back to talent review kit) > miding biases

1. You need one source of truth on people insights that helps you take action

People insights are often spread across so many different places — there are calibration/talent review tools, conversation notes captured in docs, actions captured in sheets — and more often than we’d like to admit, a lot of people insights are in people’s heads. Then there’s a matter of what do we actually do with those insights. Too often other tools, docs, and sheets are far too static to capture the very dynamic realities of managing people.
With the template below, your leaders can have a one living source of truth on all your people insights that you will actually refer back to, and take actions on.

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2. Entering people insights can actually be fun and easy

We’ve all been through painful data entry into clunky systems. It’s boring, time consuming, and rarely provides the insights we’re looking for. Instead, make data entry for people insights enjoyable. Add ratings, reactions, and colors to your table!

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3. Trends provide insight over time without any additional lift

A super common question asked in any performance discussion or calibration is what’s their performance or engagement over time? Instead of trying to dig through lots of old notes, let the doc track these trends automatically for you over time. See who is sustaining performance, who is on a downward trend of engagement, and more.

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4. There is no ‘one best calibration process’ for every company. You need to find one that works for you, and have the flexibility in tailoring it

Our CEO and co-founder at Coda, Shishir, has drafted multiple models — along with guidance on when a certain approach will likely make most sense for your company or team. What will the HRBP love though in using Coda for calibrations? Here’s a quote from one: “I’ve never gone through a calibration process where I could just have everything - calibration ratings, notes from the session, manager feedback, etc - in one place.” But you can in Coda.

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5. Ensure calibrations or any performance discussion are more fair and rid of bias with this engaging training tool

Have you ever flashed up a slide to train your leaders on bias? How much of that carried through to performance conversations? Help cement those learnings with this engaging interactive tool to help train leaders (or anyone!) on common biases to avoid.
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