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Prioritization Model

Product Prioritization Models

Product prioritization is a crucial process for any company to ensure that they are focusing their resources on the most important products. There are several product prioritization models that companies can use to help make these decisions.

1. Kano Model

The Kano model is a popular product prioritization model that is based on customer satisfaction. It classifies product features into three categories: basic, performance, and delight. Basic features are expected and do not add any value to the customer experience if included. Performance features improve customer satisfaction, while delight features exceed customer expectations and create a positive experience.

2. RICE Model

The RICE model is a framework that helps prioritize products based on the potential impact, confidence level, and effort required to complete the project. The model calculates a score for each product, which is determined by multiplying the impact, confidence, and effort scores together.

3. Value vs. Complexity Model

The value vs. complexity model is a simple framework that helps prioritize products based on their potential value and complexity. Products that have high value and low complexity are the highest priority since they offer the greatest return on investment.

4. Weighted Scoring Model

The weighted scoring model is a customizable framework that assigns a weight to each product feature based on its importance. The model then calculates a score for each product by multiplying the weight of each feature by its score.
In conclusion, it is essential to prioritize products to ensure that companies are focusing their resources on the most critical products. By using one of these product prioritization models, companies can make informed decisions and allocate their resources effectively.
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