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Cycling with Strava

Track your rides, goals, and all-time achievements.
Welcome to your cycling-specific Strava template. While this template was made specifically with cyclists in mind, it should fit any other sport with a few minor adjustments. Feel free to delete this page after reading the instructions below.


Head to then find the table options to connect your own account:
Note: You can easily change the settings of your table to metric units (or imperial) by following these instructions -->

How this template works

Click on any of the arrows to expand the section to learn about this document.

The year break down allows you to quickly see how many rides you did in a year broken up by month. Each month card is clickable, and, when clicked, opens up a wealth of information on rides in that specific month.
Screen Cast 2022-02-21 at 5.08.10 AM.gif

My rides will quickly show to your rides within a selected time-frame. Use the quick-select buttons to view by available options or narrow down your specific time-frame to anything you like (including everything).
Just like the , your cards are clickable and will bring up more data on a specific ride.
Screen Cast 2022-02-21 at 5.25.48 AM.gif

Set and view progress on three different goal types:
Average Speed
Activity Count

Each goal can be set to be met in the time-span of a week, month, or year. For example, if you are attempting to ride 1x per week for a year (so 52 rides in total), your goal would be set up like so:
You can also open up your goal to edit it further with the “edit” button that looks like this:

Who doesn’t love knowing their all-time bests? On this page you can view your all time achievements in the following areas:
Max Speed
Average Speed

You can also use the
View in Strava
button to view the activity where you made the achievement directly on Strava.

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