Module: core¶
The core components of the Pack SDK. These functions and types are used to define your Pack, it's building blocks, and their logic.
This module is imported using the following code:
import * as coda from "@codahq/packs-sdk";
- AttributionNodeType
- AuthenticationType
- ConnectionRequirement
- CurrencyFormat
- DurationUnit
- EmailDisplayType
- ImageCornerStyle
- ImageOutline
- ImageShapeStyle
- LinkDisplayType
- NetworkConnection
- OptionsType
- ParameterType
- PostSetupType
- PrecannedDateRange
- ScaleIconSet
- TokenExchangeCredentialsLocation
- Type
- ValueHintType
- ValueType
- AWSAccessKeyAuthentication
- ArraySchema
- ArrayType
- BaseAuthentication
- BaseFormulaDef
- BooleanSchema
- CodaApiBearerTokenAuthentication
- CommonPackFormulaDef
- Continuation
- CurrencySchema
- CustomAuthParameter
- CustomAuthentication
- CustomHeaderTokenAuthentication
- DurationSchema
- DynamicOptions
- DynamicSyncTableDef
- DynamicSyncTableOptions
- EmailSchema
- EmptyFormulaDef
- ExecutionContext
- FetchRequest
- FetchResponse
- Fetcher
- Format
- HeaderBearerTokenAuthentication
- Identity
- IdentityDefinition
- ImageAttributionNode
- ImageSchema
- InvocationLocation
- LinkAttributionNode
- LinkSchema
- MetadataFormulaObjectResultType
- MultiHeaderTokenAuthentication
- MultiQueryParamTokenAuthentication
- Network
- NoAuthentication
- NumericDateSchema
- NumericDateTimeSchema
- NumericDurationSchema
- NumericSchema
- NumericTimeSchema
- OAuth2Authentication
- OAuth2ClientCredentialsAuthentication
- ObjectArrayFormulaDef
- ObjectSchemaDefinition
- ObjectSchemaProperty
- OptionalParamDef
- PackDefinition
- PackFormulaDef
- PackVersionDefinition
- ParamDef
- ProgressBarSchema
- PropertyIdentifierDetails
- PropertyOptionsExecutionContext
- PropertyWithOptions
- QueryParamTokenAuthentication
- RequestHandlerTemplate
- RequiredParamDef
- ResponseHandlerTemplate
- ScaleSchema
- SetEndpoint
- SimpleAutocompleteOption
- SimpleStringSchema
- SliderSchema
- StatusCodeErrorResponse
- StringDateSchema
- StringDateTimeSchema
- StringEmbedSchema
- StringTimeSchema
- StringWithOptionsSchema
- Sync
- SyncExecutionContext
- SyncFormulaDef
- SyncFormulaResult
- SyncTableDef
- SyncTableOptions
- SyncUpdate
- SyncUpdateResult
- TemporaryBlobStorage
- TextAttributionNode
- UpdateSyncExecutionContext
- WebBasicAuthentication
Type Aliases¶
- ArrayFormulaDef
- AttributionNode
- Authentication
- AuthenticationDef
- BaseFormula
- BasicPackDefinition
- BooleanFormulaDef
- BooleanHintTypes
- BooleanPackFormula
- FetchMethodType
- Formula
- FormulaDefinition
- GenericDynamicSyncTable
- GenericSyncFormula
- GenericSyncFormulaResult
- GenericSyncTable
- GenericSyncUpdate
- GenericSyncUpdateSingleResult
- InferrableTypes
- MetadataContext
- MetadataFormula
- MetadataFormulaDef
- MetadataFormulaResultType
- MetadataFunction
- NumberHintTypes
- NumberSchema
- NumericFormulaDef
- NumericPackFormula
- ObjectFormulaDef
- ObjectHintTypes
- ObjectPackFormula
- ObjectSchemaProperties
- PackFormulaResult
- PackFormulaValue
- PackId
- ParamDefFromOptionsUnion
- ParamDefs
- ParamValues
- ParameterOptions
- PostSetup
- PostSetupDef
- PropertyIdentifier
- PropertyOptionsMetadataFunction
- PropertyOptionsMetadataResult
- PropertySchemaOptions
- Schema
- SchemaType
- SetEndpointDef
- StringFormulaDef
- StringHintTypes
- StringPackFormula
- StringSchema
- SuggestedValueType
- SyncFormula
- SyncTable
- SyncUpdateSingleResult
- SystemAuthentication
- SystemAuthenticationDef
- TypedPackFormula
- UpdateSync
- UserAuthenticationDef
- assertCondition
- autocompleteSearchObjects
- ensureExists
- ensureNonEmptyString
- ensureUnreachable
- generateSchema
- getEffectivePropertyKeysFromSchema
- getQueryParams
- joinUrl
- makeAttributionNode
- makeDynamicSyncTable
- makeEmptyFormula
- makeFormula
- makeMetadataFormula
- makeObjectSchema
- makeParameter
- makeReferenceSchemaFromObjectSchema
- makeSchema
- makeSimpleAutocompleteMetadataFormula
- makeSyncTable
- makeTranslateObjectFormula
- newPack
- simpleAutocomplete
- withIdentity
- withQueryParams