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展現兩個使用者的命運,在eth 3500 透過teaRex 做多與做空
Close position
buy is confirmed
sell會讓user可以選擇close position的幣值default為eth (可以還乾淨而不會因為使用USDC換算不清導致有部分部位沒有還清)
liq. price
: Shorting ETC with 5x Leverage
1. Initial Investment and Leverage:
• The person has 2000 USDC.
• With 5x leverage, they can trade with a total amount of 2000 \times 5 = 10000 USDC.
2. Short Position:
• The person borrows 10000 USDC worth of ETC to sell it at the current market price.
3. Price Movement and Impact:
• Scenario A: Price Decrease (Profit)
• Suppose the price of ETC drops by 10%.
• The value of the borrowed 10000 USDC worth of ETC decreases by 10%, resulting in a decrease of 1000 USDC in the value of the ETC.
• The person can now buy back the ETC for 9000 USDC.
• The profit is the difference: 10000 - 9000 = 1000 USDC.
• This profit on the initial 2000 USDC investment results in a 50% return (1000/2000).
• Scenario B: Price Increase (Loss)
• Suppose the price of ETC increases by 10%.
• The value of the borrowed 10000 USDC worth of ETC increases by 10%, resulting in an increase of 1000 USDC in the value of the ETC.
• The person now has to buy back the ETC for 11000 USDC.
• The loss is the difference: 11000 - 10000 = 1000 USDC.
• This loss on the initial 2000 USDC investment results in a 50% loss (1000/2000).
4. Liquidation Risk:
• With 5x leverage, the risk of liquidation is high.
• If the value of ETC increases significantly, the platform may liquidate the position to prevent further losses.
• The exact liquidation price depends on the platform’s margin requirements and other factors.
:Example: Going long ETC with 5x Leverage
1. Initial Investment and Leverage:
• The person has 2000 USDC.
• With 5x leverage, they can trade with a total amount of 2000 \times 5 = 10000 USDC.
2. Buying Power:
• The 2000 USDC is used as collateral.
• The trading platform allows the person to control 10000 USDC worth of ETH.
3. Price Movement and Impact:
• If the price of ETH goes up by 10%, the value of the 10000 USDC worth of ETH would increase by 10%, resulting in a profit of 1000 USDC.
• This profit is calculated on the leveraged amount, so the actual return on the initial 2000 USDC investment would be 1000 USDC, a 50% return.
• Conversely, if the price of ETH drops by 10%, the value of the 10000 USDC worth of ETH would decrease by 1000 USDC.
• This loss would also be calculated on the leveraged amount, resulting in a loss of 1000 USDC on the initial 2000 USDC investment, a 50% loss.
4. Liquidation Risk:
• With 5x leverage, the risk of liquidation is higher.
• If the value of ETH falls significantly, the platform may liquidate the position to prevent further losses.
• The exact liquidation price depends on the platform’s margin requirements and other factors.
將固定Buy/Sell的欄位,使用者可以透過user and leverage去了解差別
Candlestick chart
改用TWAP -> 曲線圖 (本平台,會使用的清算價格)
Buy沒有leverage x1 ; Sell 有leverage x1
platform fee wouldn’t be showed
改顯示supply APR
borrowed APR 討論後放棄,改由trading那邊顯示
另外增補上avl. liq 如果有錢既可以領
設計上會有light mode/ dark mode
把earn/stake的留在stake position專屬為trading
liq. price 可以在顯示health rate 0. 30. 60. 80. 100 到0就會被關倉
點liq. (+) 可以輸入要在存入的usdc 會試算一個updated price
到了liq. price 後會關倉,所以需要有
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