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DA-HW4-Xinyu Wu

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Problem 3

Student Application


1. Application Prediction Model

Create the model based variables of gender, GPA, SAT, distance to campus, household income, in-state status, and source.
Create prediction based on a female student with 3.0 GPA, 1050-1100 SAT, 100 miles from campus, $100,000 household income, in state, and source of Collegeboard-Senior search.
The application probability is about 10.58%.

2. Dummy Variable - Gender/State/InState

Gender : two variables have been created
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State: 24 variables have been created
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InState: 2 variables have been created
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3. Model Interpretation & Recommendation

Based on the predictors that have been chosen, there are few factors have strong relationship between application status which are gender, SAT score from 1360 to 1530, distance to campus, household income, and in state status.
As one unit increase of distance to the campus, the application value would be decreased by 0.0051.
As one unit increase of household income, the application value would be decreased by 1.201*10^(-5).
If the students is in the state, the application value would be increased by 0.494.
Target students who live close to the campus and research on neighborhoods and communities.
Target students whose family have relatively low income.
Target students who live in the state of the school.
Incomplete Data: Based on vacancy of data, more researches about student application could be carried out.
Research Range: Similar researches for students who have already been admitted could be carried out for a better explanation.
Multiple Factors: Other prediction factors like university reputation, rank, and etc. could be added for further research because there might be some other issues that affect students’ decision.
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