We help people learn high paying skills on the job.
We help you (the institute partner) create quick 10-min gamified revision modules for the courses you teach. (see snapshots below).
Once created, our platform sends these tests to your students on a pre decided schedule via whatsapp links. Utkrushta’s AI platform keeps scores and leaderboards.
Our AI platform helps students create / edit existing resume or post to their LinkedIn profile directly
More students = more mentions on LinkedIn.
3 steps to marketplace:
Create micro-test series once with our team.
Click to convert to bharat’s 22 official languages.
Sell for repeatedly on Utkrushta’s marketplace. e.g. Imagine a digital marketing professional in Tamil Nadu uses your revision modules to brush up on their Facebook Ads Marketing skills.
Rome was not built in a day. Our product is actively under development. More awesomeness loading!
💡 What is this guide about
Your organisation is running a paid pilot with Utkrushta. Our team will work with you to create the revision modules.
We need 1 hour of your time to get started.
We will need some data from you to create the experience for the students
✅ Utkrushta needs from You
For the class selected for a paid pilot, Utkrushta will require:
please send excel sheet or PDF on whatsapp: +91 9875079650
Questions, answer key, any relevant images or links — module by module
Utkrushta will take your question bank and create an entire series out of it like the video below in references:
Advanced: After the pilot, we may create content for you e.g. shoot 1min videos with your instructors and improve the experience.
4. LMS Integration
Utkrushta will put all the test data — which student scored how many marks etc on to your Learning Management System (LMS) or any database you want. We will automate all of that. For e.g. we have integrations built for