This introduces us to the main concepts of climate change that are relevant for climate smart agriculture. The trainee will learn about what climate change is, how it has affected sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel (2), and how it affects men and women differently.
This module provides the trainee or facilitator with a deeper understanding of how CSA is intended to transform agricultural systems to effectively support sustainable development and ensure food security in a changing climate. It also provides an introduction to how CSA may need to be nuanced to address gender concerns and inequalities in access to information, technology and productive resources.
This module delves deeper into CSA practices and techniques, providing information on examples of CSA practices, and the challenges and benefits for the people adopting them. We consider crop production, livestock management, agroforestry, water and soil management, and energy management. The trainee will also learn about how the adoption of these different CSA practices can depend on the resources men and women have or the time they may have available. Finally, it introduces the trainee to the ways in which CSA can affect men and women’s lives and livelihoods differently.
This module takes the learner through a number of CSA projects to understand why a project needs to be designed with both men and women in mind; how to identify men and women’s different roles, responsibilities, and resources; how to understand men’s and women’s barriers to participating in a project; how to overcome these barriers where they exist; and, how to measure the costs and benefits for men and women of being involved in a project. The module introduces of a series of participatory exercises to conduct to enable CSA facilitators to engage the communities where they work and develop gender-responsive CSA interventions.
This module helps us understand how we can support women’s enterprises in climate stressed environments or use CSA to diversify and improve women’s livelihoods. It is designed to enable the learner to understand how certain CSA interventions can help free up women’s time in the home, and how this can be used to further diversify women’s livelihoods; what to consider when designing and implementing programs that connect women to markets and access to financing in CSA initiatives; and how CSA interventions to increase women’s access to markets need to consider women's and men's needs and priorities if they are to be successful for both men and women.
This module uses examples where CSA has been implemented using a gender equality approach and where the projects were able to secure livelihood improvements for both men and women. We also look at examples of where CSA was intended to improve livelihoods but failed to do so without being adapted to understand the particular challenges men and women face in improving their incomes. We look at a milk marketing cooperative, how a village savings and loan program can reinforce CSA and how a detailed gender analysis can improve livelihood outcomes from CSA projects linking men and women farmers to markets. The primary lesson learned in this module is that the failure to consider gender equality in the livelihood components of CSA projects compromises the outcomes of those projects.
Note: For those who wish to supplement the CSA training modules with a general training on gender equality and women’s empowerment, we recommend UN Women’s course, I Know Gender: Gender Concepts to Get Started, which is available in English, French, and Spanish through