Track Overviews

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Advanced Track

Teaching for Understanding

The RocketHour Coding Program is built to give our students a deep conceptual understanding of code. Using this approach, we find that our students are able to easily apply concepts learned in one coding language to any other coding language. This methodology is in line with how Computer Science and Software Engineering are taught at universities around the world. In these programmes, students learn the essential principles of code. With the essentials well understood, these students become flexible coders who are able to quickly master any other coding language or environment.

Advanced Track Overview

The Advanced Track is suited to older students with existing coding experience or an obvious aptitude for code. This track begins with some foundational work in MIT’s Scratch to ensure all students have the same starting knowledge. We then apply these fundamentals to a text-based language called LiveCode. In both Scratch and LiveCode we will develop our own games and apps. During the course of this track, students gain a solid grasp of if, if-else & else statements, logical operators, repeats, functions/methods and variables. These foundational concepts are universal and can be applied to any programming language.
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