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Digital Literacy Resources
Free Resources for Teaching Digital Literacy to Middle Schoolers
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Fake News
Don't Be Duped
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Hate Speech, Bias, And Echo Chambers
The Web of Possibility
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Review and Other Resources
Fake News
This is a tricky subject. If you want to review it yourself before diving into lesson plans, here are some great articles wherein experts review best practices to avoid being duped:
Fake or Real: How to Self-Check the News and Get the Facts
via NPR
An article from
a real fact-finder explaining the process
on Medium
This article from the New York Times Learning Network
pulls together great resources
for approaching this subject with students!
Project Look Sharp prepared these basic questions for students embarking on the path to becoming expert fact-checkers:
Who made this?
Who is the target audience?
Who paid for this? Or, who gets paid if you click on this?
Who might benefit or be harmed by this message?
What is left out of this message that might be important?
Is this credible (and what makes you think that)?
helpful infographic:
Common Sense Media has a great 6th-grade lesson on
evaluating news
and an 8th-grade lesson plans on
how to check the news
for authenticity and one on
evaluating news as it comes in
The Newseum also created some great lesson plans like:
Fake News ー What's the Big Deal
The Making of Fake News
Fake News Through History
Putting the Consumer's Questions to Work
TedED also posted a great article that kids can read about
spotting fake news
A great video from Teaching Tolerance highlighting the importance of being careful what you share:
This TedTalk may also be useful to spark a discussion:
To practice their skills, students can play iCivics
News Feed Defenders
. Alternately, they can play a
fact-checking Game from NPR
and compare their answers to real journalists!
My favorite quick review game is
Also, if the conversation goes in the direction of propaganda.
This website
is great for kids to explore!
Once your kiddos are experts at spotting fake news, they may enjoy
this video
of an Onion editor explaining how he feels about people mixing up their satire for news.
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