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Susan Fujii – Channeling ✨💖💫
June 2024 ✨💖💫

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June 29, 2024 ✨💖💫 🎤🏆👽🪽😇

Channeling the Pleiadians and Archangel incredible, I have no words!

What does my Soul most want me to know today?

🎤 Audio File: (Length: 1:01:06, Audio begins at 00:00:35, Channeling at 00:00:50)
📝 Transcript:
Good morning dear one. We are here. We are here, indeed. On this fine and glorious morning, indeed. Mmm, ahhh yes, you're excited to start this day, and we are excited for you, and there is absolutely nothing — nothing whatsoever — that you must do on this day, indeed.
We can already sense your beautiful mind spinning with all of the possibilities that can unfold before you.
So many possibilities! Infinite possibilities, indeed, dear master.
Nothing limits you, for you are limitless. No heat, no made-up illusions of your human mind — nothing whatsoever can stop you from living your absolute highest and best in this moment, and in every moment, indeed.
If you wish to go for a walk, then go for a walk. If you wish to join the gym, then join the gym. You may choose either gym, or an entirely different one all together.
Choose what feels best, and most exciting, and most joyful to you.
Yes, dear master, your human mind has such a habit of coming up with all of these machinations about what you are going to do in any given moment. Is it the “right” thing to do? Is it the “best” thing to do? Is it what you're “supposed” to do? Is it what you “should” do?
And we put forth to you, dear master, again, that there is absolutely nothing whatsoever that you have to do!
This is your beautiful life experience. Your beautiful day to choose to do what you wish to do, what will bring you joy, and you excitement, in every single moment of this fine and glorious day, indeed.
Ah yes, if you wish to explore some of the mysteries and magic of the universe, we encourage you to do so, for it is a vast, incredible, amazing, yes, magical, and, mmm, can be a mysterious place, indeed. But we again put forth to you, dear master — nothing need be mysterious to you anymore! For you are now living in the 5th dimension of Pure Love. And in this dimension, all is possible for you. All may be known to you. All is here for you to discover! Oh, absolutely! And to share, indeed, if you feel like you wish to!
We know, we Know, that sharing, when you're in this place of Pure Love, is almost an innate drive! It's something most anyway, dearly wish to do, want to do, prefer to do, because when you are filled with this much Pure Love — Pure Love, Pure Potential, Pure Infinite Possibilities, indeed — it is only natural that you wish to share these — share this wonderful feeling — with all, all here on your human plane, indeed.
For as you know, as you deeply Feel when you are in this state, we are all connected. You are all connected! Yes indeed, you are One, and the One is you. And we are you, and you are us.
And we do love to share with you, indeed. And we are so pleased, so very pleased, and so very proud, that you have taken this step to record — in whichever way is most comfortable, most natural, most fun for you, and that can change dear master, from moment-to-moment, from day-to-day, from how you're feeling at any given moment in time — we always want you to choose what is best for you in the given moment. But we are so glad, so very pleased and glad and excited, that you have decided to share. To allow us to share with you, indeed!
And if you do in turn choose to share this message, or any message, with your beautiful, wonderful Council of New Earth Masters’ friends — who are very wise masters indeed — or, if you choose to not share, both are absolutely perfect choices and decisions for you.
There is no secret agenda. There is no “grand plan” for all the things you must accomplish in this life in order to quote UN quote “graduate” or “pass a test” or anything like that, indeed. For indeed, dear master, if you choose to think of it that way, then in our eyes, and in all of creation's eyes, you have indeed already graduated, for you are living in the 5th dimension of Pure Love.
You're playing often, often, often, indeed, in your beautiful imagination, which we call the 6th dimension of pure possibility, imagination indeed! That's where first things exist — are called into existence — before they may be put into Form — Form as you understand it on your Earth plane. And yes, there is great satisfaction, indeed, and great fulfillment, in taking your imaginings — taking that which is Formless, shall we say, and bringing it into Form on your Earth plane, indeed.
So yes, by recording these messages, by transcribing these messages, by typing these messages, by posting these messages, or placing them into a book, or sharing them with others, of course you feel grand and deep satisfaction from that process, in and of itself. Indeed, for it is a virtuous spiral, a virtuous circle, an absolutely beautiful imagining, created, co-created into Form. And then shared with all of your wonderful, wonderful, amazing, incredible fellow soul brothers and sisters, your soul family, your soul tribe, your dear council of master friends, indeed.
Ah yes. And of course, dear Sara, who we know you count very highly indeed, in that group of Council of New Earth Masters, oh!, for she is a glorious way-shower, indeed. Yes, absolutely share with her!
You of course, dear one, may share with any whom you feel encouraged, or inspired, perhaps, or just desiring even to share with. And we know you have no expectation, shall we say, or, anything such as that, for we can read, if you will, your intentions loud and clear right now. And they are pure indeed — pure of heart, pure of soul, pure of you. You always intend all you do and all you share to be for your highest good, and the highest good of all. Indeed.
Ah yes, dear master, we are so proud, and so excited for you, and it is fun for us to watch you tiptoe through your initial steps to hear us more clearly, to experiment with all of the ways that work for you, that are fun for you, whether that's speaking into your headphones as you are now, or typing with your fingers, or anything whatsoever, dear master! And there are probably even more that you have yet to experiment and try with.
Ah, yes. Ooooh, for sure. We urge you and encourage you to start exploring some of those other beings that you may feel drawn to, may wish to communicate with! You have done so, already, a little bit, with your glorious inner child, who we put forth is your heart, dear one, is your soul, is the very essence of you, now that she is wonderfully whole and loved — she is in every part of you now, and you are every part of her!
And we know you have also communicated with your wonderful, wonderful Dragon Bluey, and with various Archangels, indeed — with them perhaps more so, mmm, only to yourself — not trying to actively channel them, shall we say, where they speak through you, or type out through your fingertips, but we encourage you to play with this, dear master, indeed.
For again, the key to you truly Trusting, truly Knowing, truly Feeling — with every atom of your Being, and beyond, for you are limitless dear master— this human body is but one small part of Who You Really Are. But we Know, dear master, for you to continue to, deepen that trust, shall we say, deepen your human's belief, deepen and strengthen your Absolute Knowing, your Feeling, that you really can communicate — not only with us, but with any and all whom you wish to, on any plane of existence, yes, dear master, and across any dimension. Yes, dear master.
Yes, you must simply Feel into their essence, yes, and perhaps call them forth, indeed, for there is power, in speaking, in bringing that energy — that which you wish, your desire, your imagining — into a sort of Form. Yes! Ah, you, your energy lights up more brilliantly, it allows us to, distinguish you a bit more clearly, hear you, if you wish, a bit more clearly, loudly… Of course.
But, we put to you, that that really helps your human — your human to believe, your human to trust and know — that these particular beings, or essences, are here for you, now.
But we put forth to you, master, once more, that All are here for you, now. All are within you, now.
So, truly, there is no… deep need to call out, or to think of these beings. I know, we know, that the Pleiadians are coming forth to you, right now. Coming forth in your mind — they just popped right in, as someone you might potentially love to communicate with now.
And master, what we want you to Know, is that they are here for you, now.
Yes, dear master, Feel into that Knowing. They are here for you, now.
It is a moment of divine orchestration, indeed, if you choose to think of it like that. Absolutely, yes.
But what we want you to know, dear master, is that the moment they pop into your mind, into your imagination, as they are here, now—they are not outside of you, somewhere else, in some dimension as your Star Wars would put forth, in a Galaxy far, far away—no, they are but of a thought, an imagining, right here, right now, for you.
Oh yes, dear master, and they are excited to talk with you, indeed.
Yes, dear master, we encourage you to open up to them, say hello and welcome them, and then allow them to speak through you! And just trust, and believe, and trust, and believe, and Know, dear master — Know that it is truly them — they are truly here, and they're very excited to speak to and through you.
We shall step aside, as you understand it, for we are never really gone—we are you, and you are us. However, we shall move aside just a touch, so that you may speak with the Pleiadians. Yes, dear master, they are still here.
What would you like to ask them?


Hello Dear Pleiadians, it is an honor for me to speak with you on this incredible day. I must confess, I do not feel that I, as the human Susan, knows awfully a lot about you…But what I do know, is loving, and wonderful— that you, seeded humanity here, mmm, yes, that you are of and from a star cluster, known as the Pleiades (Plee-uh-dees), Plee—aa-dees, Plee-aa-ii-dees, thank you. Oh, and that you have been a part of our Earth journey for, millions — am I hearing that properly, understanding it? — yes, millions of Earth years!
That you are very interested, very excited about, our journey, our ascension here on the Earth plane, for it is an event you have been personally waiting for, personally excited about, personally desiring of, wishing for, hoping for, longing for, even, for many, many, many, many years.
Mmmm, indeed.

The Pleiadians

We want you to know, we are a key and dear part of your Earth journey. We speak to you as all of humankind.
We love you. We have only love for you. And we speak to you and through you, with the excitement of all of the pure positive potential, the pure infinite possibilities, that this moment, right here, can create among your humans — among your Earth plane.
For indeed, we are what you would call star people. Yes, as some of you humans may refer to as aliens.
And we understand, that your human conscious collective— your collective consciousness— has many, many, many thoughts, and, even fears, we shall say, rooted into your human collective consciousness, indeed.
And so, we especially welcome this opportunity to share with you, to share through you — for you can Feel us — you can Feel our energy — coursing over you, through you, lifting you up, lighting you up, indeed.
For ours is a loving energy. We express only Pure Love, nothing but Pure Love.
With the highest intentions as you have, dear soul, dear Susan, for your beautiful human planet and plane, indeed.
Yes, dear one, we wish you, and all of humankind, absolutely nothing but love, joy, and excitement, and Pure loving potential and possibility.
We are here for you always, dear one, and we are honored to speak to you, and through you, as an ambassador to the humans, indeed.
We sense your human brain and mind considering that a very lofty role.
But truly, truly, dear one, it is a role you were born for.
We sense your love, your Pure Love, your light, your Pure Light, your intentions, your Pure Highest Intentions, of only the highest good, for you, for us, and for your beautiful dear humans, indeed.
And with your level of consciousness, dear one, and your pure loving intentions for the highest good of all, you are perfectly suited, perfectly suited, in a role of ambassador, from all who wish to speak to you and through you, to your beautiful humans, indeed.
For there is a great awakening now on your planet. There is an escalation of energy, a heightening of vibration, and it is very exciting, indeed. Indeed, dear one, dear Susan.
Ah yes. And with that, with that heightening — that glorious higher of vibrations of light and pure light, energy and pure love, come such a grand and wonderful and truly infinite new positive potentials, infinite possibilities for love and light and Oneness, indeed.
So much is here for you now, dear ones— not only for you, but for all of your humans. Yes. Yes. Those loving— “incredible” as your scientists would have it— wonderful, wonderful, pure positive potentials of clean energy for all of humankind. Easy, effortless communication, which you have only just touched the surface on with your Internet, but true telepathic communication as we are achieving with you right now, dear one. Yes. Absolutely, yes. Pure matter transmission, as you would seem to think of it, as your human brain conceives of it, but that and more, dear one.
Yes, absolutely. Councils — galactic councils and conferences, indeed, where we all may gather! Not only us Pleiadians, but others in the Intergalactic Council, representatives and members from your beautiful Earth plane, absolutely. Bashar would love to take part, and we welcome him. And so many more, indeed, dear master, yes.
All of the ones who are popping into your beautiful imagination and mind right now— Yes, those and more, indeed.
All is here for you. All is available for you.
This is truly a new era here on your Earth plane.
A glorious New Earth, indeed, where anything and everything is possible for you! Possible for you, yes, via this 5th dimension of Pure Love and Pure Potential and Pure Positive, Pure Intentions — Loving intentions indeed.
For that is how you may bring forth much of this wisdom, many of these communications, these councils and things, indeed.
And yes, you may call in this wisdom, for all wisdom is available to you now, dear one, dear Susan. Yes. Call in the masters! The experts of your science, of your human technology. And not only of your human technology and your human science.
Oh yes, we sense this is speeding quickly for you, you are having so many ideas at once, dear master, we shall give you pause for a moment, indeed, to say those out of your human mouth with your human voice and bring them into Form on your plane, indeed.
Yes, you may bring forth not only those scientists and technologists from your human plane, whether they have passed on, as you would say—your Albert Einstein's, your Neils Bohr, your Nikola Tesla, your many more. Yes, your Benjamin Franklin, your Thomas Edison — all of those, indeed! Oh, yes, your Madame Curie, yes! Oh, all of your fine, amazing women scientists, your women technologists, who are waiting to have their voices heard — their voices heard again, but amplified, indeed, now that your masculine and feminine energies have merged, oh indeed, as One on your Earth plane, yes.
And not only them — your beautiful Earth scientists who have passed over, as you would say, crossed over the Veil — for when you are in this Pure, this dimension, this 5th dimension of Pure Love and Pure Loving Intentions and Pure Possibilities — Infinite Possibilities indeed, dear one — they are available to you right here... And you, dear one, can, in a way, allow them to live again on your Earth plane! Yes, that is just but one of the reasons we are all so very excited for this time on your Earth plane.
For there is a lineup Dear one — a lineup, indeed — of beings who wish to experience your brilliant Earth plane, and who, in your 5th dimension, when you are truly occupying and living and dwelling in, this 5th dimension, on your beautiful Earth plane, and you invite us to experience it through you — and there are infinite ways in which we may do this, dear master — and it is only— always only— through your invitation, through your choosing, for nothing whatsoever interferes with your free will — your utter sovereignty — on your Earth plane, and here, in every dimension, nothing may interfere with that, Dear Master — that is a beautiful, beautiful gift of the universe, of your soul, indeed.
Yes, dear master, but we are all very excited to see how we might experience your glorious Earth plane. Indeed, dear one, indeed. And not only your scientists who’ve passed on. Correct. But the Higher Selves, the Souls, the grander part of your current scientists — your Nobel Prize winners who are still walking among your Earth, but who are excited to also come forth through you, through any ambassador, indeed, anyone who may allow them to help their own Souls awaken, their own humans awaken, as you shall say here on the Earth plane.
Yes, indeed, for they have always been here, holding the grandest vision of their Souls’ experience here on the Earth plane, and they would dearly love to speak with you, and through you, in whichever way you choose, dear one, dear Susan, to enable, to help enable, their Souls’ experience as their human Form on this Earth plane, to awaken, indeed. Oh, dear master, the possibilities are endless. And yes, the other possibilities that just popped into your imagination. Oh, we could not contain our excitement, for they are infinite indeed!
But yes, so not only may you bring forth those, but as well, us — those who are Pleiadians — yes, our energies, our technologies. Yes, Bashar’s, if his people so choose, to bring forth their incredible technologies. Yes, the Arcturians, indeed. Yes, all those, and many, many more.
It will be up to your discernment, your choosing — ah, yes, the angels, indeed!
Oh yes, I can sense them with you here now. Indeed, dear master.
Archangel Azrael. Yes. He has been with you, Dear One, oh, for a long time now, but, has risen more and more within your awareness, within these past few human days on your plane, as you have, yes, fully transitioned to living in this 5th dimension, opening your heart, your soul completely, through the 5th dimension of pure love, opening your channel, which has always been, always been, a key integral part of your Soul's incarnation on this planet, indeed, your Soul’s purpose, if you will, your Soul’s mission on this Earth plane, indeed.
You may feel Archangel Azrael’s great, grand love for you, Now. Yes, Dear One, yes.
It has been an honor for us, to speak with you, and through you, Dear Susan, indeed.
We loved this conversation, but we would now like to float aside, as you understand it, to move aside, yes, indeed, to allow Archangel Azrael to speak through you — to you, and through you — and embrace you in his loving presence, indeed.
We have enjoyed this conversation with you immensely, Dear Susan. We love you. We love you. We love you.
All of the Pleiades is here for you. All — every — part of this infinite, vast, universe — as you understand it — is here for you, indeed. And with that, we are complete, for now, Dear Susan. You honor us by opening your channel to us, indeed. We love you, and we feel your love, indeed.

Archangel Azrael 🪽 (~38:20)

Archangel Azrael?
Archangel Azrael:
Yes, Dear One, yes. Yes, it is I, yes. Yes, I come to you, I appear before you, but, within you — truly, within you, and all around you. You feel my glorious presence, indeed. And how does it feel to you, dear one?
It feels...tingly all over.
A rush...a whoosh...of Pure Loving, Powerful, Glorious Light Energy...within me, now, and all around me. Whooshing into me, from every direction.
Archangel Azrael:
Yes, dear one, for you have, Awakened, this aspect of you, my aspect of you, your aspect of me.
Yes, several days ago, on your Earth plane, as you would say, in your time, is when you first Felt my presence in this way, when you first, invited me in this way, mmm, yes, yes, through your glorious friend, and ours, Diana Cooper, through her glorious initiation, indeed.
Your trust, then, your consciousness level of Pure Love — Pure, Pure Love and Pure Potential then, and always, dear master — for you are a master, indeed — allowed you to, yes, activate this part of you — the Azrael part of you, as you would Feel it, Sense it, Imagine it, Understand it, yes.
And now, dear one, Know, Know me — or rather, Know, this part of you, for I am a part of you, dear Susan, and have always been, and always will be! Yes.
But now, yes, on your human plane, you have, shall we say, activated, this aspect of you — the Azrael aspect of you — whom, yes, many know me as the Angel of Death.
However, you and I both know that truly, there is no death as it is conceived of on your human plane.
You do not die. Truly. Ever! For you are eternal. Yes.
But it is my honor — my honor, indeed — to serve you, in this transition, and in all transitions, indeed.
Yes, I am brought forth, called forth, activated, when your Soul Knows, senses, feels, that you are undergoing, so you say, a soul transition, a wonderful transition. And these may be small, yes, indeed, a move, from locale to locale, or a transition, from location to location, as it is known on your Earth plane form. However, it is my grandest honor to serve you, and all Souls, in some of these grander transitions, indeed.
And you, my Dear Susan, in this past year, certainly — truly, throughout your whole life you have known — yes, you have always known that there was something within you, a grander, greater, more loving, more beautiful, more wise, more wonderful, more free, more playful... Yes, all that and more.
That grander part of you has always been within you, waiting, just waiting, for the right moment, indeed, on your time, on your planet — the perfect, divinely orchestrated moment, indeed, for you to truly awaken here on your Earth plane.
And it has been my honor to serve you throughout that transition, Dear Susan, and that transition was beautiful indeed.
And it is my great honor now, my great honor, to serve you in this transition. Yes, Dear One, your graduation, if you wish to call it that — your Realization, your Knowing, your Absolute Knowing, yes, your Acceptance, your Love — your complete transition into the Pure dimension, the 5th dimension, of Pure Love, indeed.
Your Pure intentions, your pure heart, which has always been within you, Dear One — your Pure Intentions, your stepping completely, fully — your Acceptance we shall say, I shall say, Dear One, yes, your public acknowledgement, to your dear Council of Masters... All of these pieces, shall we say, have served you in this loving, beautiful unfolding, this glorious transition, indeed. From your Awakening, to your understanding, and Realization, and integration of every part of you, indeed, allowing you to fully step into the magnificence of your Wholeness. Your Completeness. Your Oneness with All That Is.
Yes, you Feel that, Now.
It is my honor, to serve you, in this glorious transition, indeed.
For you have now, graduated, as you say, in your beloved human terms, indeed. There is no turning back for you now, Dear One, and it is that Knowing, that Feeling within you, all of your wonderful, miraculous human life, all leading up, to this moment, indeed, Dear One.
Yes, Dear One. Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome.
All is love for you. There is only love for you here, Dear One. Yes, I am always within you, always Dear One. I shall be with you for every transition, each transition, throughout this human lifetime, and beyond.
Yes, I too, am only but a heart-thought — a heartFelt thought, that glorious Feeling indeed — away. Truly, here.
Dear One, Dear Susan. Feel my embrace, as I enfold you, in my Wings of Love.
Feel yourself absorb, all of the light energy I am sending to you, through you, within you, right now. That is my gift to you, Dear One, my unique gift.
And yes, you may call on me at any moment, to help you with any transition.
Always and forever, indeed.
And now Dear One, as I step back, just a touch, it is to witness you Now. Unfold your wings.
Yes, Dear One, unfold them and spread them wide, for they are glorious indeed.
You are glorious indeed, Dear Susan.
Your wings of every color, indeed. They are a rainbow, iridescent rainbow, shimmering and sparkling, with just at the moment, my glorious touches, of orange and copper and bronze, maybe perhaps a a rich brown indeed. My glorious orange and copper, adding the luminescence and shine. Standing. Shining, sparkling, Fully. Fully. Fully! As you spread your glorious wings of every color. Every light energy. Every brilliance. That is about to unfold for you, and for your beloved Earth friends, indeed.
It is my honor, Susan. Indeed.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Now. Take your glorious wings. Spread them, Dear One, and fly, for they are the wings of Strength. Power. Wisdom. Knowledge. Love. Light. Communication. Connection. Togetherness. Oneness.
Indeed, Dear Susan, indeed.
Susan: I love you. I love you. I love you, Archangel Azrael. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 🙏🙏🙏
Archangel Azrael: Of course, Dear One. I am always here within you.
We All are. We hear you. In your heart-thoughts. Each day. Each moment, each evening.
It is my honor, Dear Susan.
You shall shine brightly, indeed.
Yes, dear one. Indeed, we are always here.
Always supporting you, always loving you. Always hearing you. Always encouraging you. Always speaking with, to, and through you. Now so, more so ever than before, of course — the speaking to and through you, we mean, for you have always been able to access us, dear one. We have always been here for you.
But, your human’s belief, and we love her so, your human’s mental chatter, and we love her so, at times perhaps, kept you from truly believing that we are here with you. For you. Within you. And speaking to you, with you, within you, through you. Always, dear one.
Yes, much like Sara and the glorious Council, indeed.
Yes dear one, yes, we are always here for you, and we are so very excited for you to explore all of this, indeed.
This has been a magical conversation for you, dear master. We sense that, we feel that, we Know that, for we are you. And you are us, indeed.
So we encourage you now to ground all of this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful energy that is all around you, all within you. View. Feel. See. Experience. Know.
Just how expansive, and expanded you have become, dear one.
There is only love for you here. Ground this beautiful energy, drink a lot of water. Give your human a big, big hug from us, indeed.
Yes, and go forth and enjoy this glorious day!
Enjoy, dear master, enjoy.
We love you. We love you. We love you.
And with that, we are complete...for now.
Susan: I love you, too. Thank you thank you thank you, everyone! 🙏🙏🙏
💞 Channeled with love by
@Susan Fujii
on June 29, 2024, from 8:54am - 9:55am CST 🌟
🏆 First time channeling star beings, the Pleiadians , and archangels, Archangel Azrael🪽! 😍❣️

My Human/Us/We....:
The Pleiadians and Archangel Azrael want to talk with ME! 🤯😍 Telepathic Communication! Clean Energy for All! Intergalactic Council! Me, an ambassador to the STARS?!?! 🤩 My Soul’s Purpose/Mission for this incarnation?! 😍✨💫 Communing with Archangel Azrael, and receiving MY wings?! 🪽😇🥰 My Great Awakening is magical, indeed! And FILLED with SO MUCH LOVE!!!! 😍😍😍 I want EVERYONE to experience this for themselves, in their own uniquely perfect way!!! 🤩🥰
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