Let's do some verbal channeling, indeed. What does my Soul most want me to know today?
Dear child, we are so very, very, very, very proud of you indeed. We are, as a proud parent, simply beaming at all of the strides that you've made, and are continuing to make along this glorious adventure and life experience, indeed.
You are everything you wish to be, you already are, and you continue to expand into more and more and more each and every moment of each and every day.
Yes, dear master. We see you sharing and opening up more and more to your beloved Soul Tribe, your beloved Council of Masters, and now the Council of Grandmasters, indeed. And we are so very, very pleased that you have chosen to share with them, for indeed it can and will only enrich all of you, each and every one of you, indeed.
For when Love is shared, when Knowledge is shared — Knowing, Feeling — when Wisdom is shared, when these Highest Divine Qualities, you may say, are shared — particularly with other Divine masters such as yourself, indeed, your Councils, indeed — the sharing causes grand ripples across all of your human Earth plane, certainly, yes, but across all timelines, all dimensions, all potentials, all of the universe and beyond.
Indeed. Yes, dear master, your virtuous spiral of expansion and sharing of your Divine Love and Connection and Knowledge and Wisdom, that virtuous spiral ripples into more and more and more virtuous spirals indeed, indeed. Causing ripples, yes, which turn into waves, yes, which turn into a glorious typhoon, but a loving, gentle, gentle typhoon of Pure Light Energy, Pure Love Energy, indeed, that washes over all, all in this universe, and in this dimension, and across all universes, and across all dimensions, indeed.
Yes, dear master, yes. We are very, very pleased, and very, very proud of you, indeed. Yes, and we feel it will be so fun for you, and so exciting for you and for many, if not all, of your dear Council Member Soul Friends, indeed, to share your channellings with them, absolutely, mmm, but we sense how much you would love to create — mmm, in a way, of course, always, dear master, that is in your highest good and the highest good of all of theirs, indeed — but we sense how much Joy it would bring to you, and to many of your fellow masters, indeed, were you to create a platform, as you call it, a paradigm, a location, a collection, a curation one day, perhaps, but at first, perhaps, simply a collection, a library, if you choose, to hold and store all of your masters’ beautiful, beautiful channellings.
Yes, indeed, you could have, and will have, a "Light Language" section, mmm yes, and a "Visual Arts" section, and a "Sculpted Arts" section, and you will have various "Visual" sections, and “Written Word” sections and “Spoken Word” sections and “Video” sections and “Audio” sections, indeed.
For your library, in your human world, is no longer limited even to these rather old-fashioned, we shall say, in your time — library card catalogs, indeed — though we do know that it is pleasing to Feel and have a sense of order over your creations, indeed, allowing others to find them more easily and efficiently and allowing them to be more, mmm, yes, effective in their searching and looking and contributing and learning and growing, indeed. Mmm, yes, dear master, but now, now You are limitless.
Mmm, yes. Your collection, we shall say, your library, may be organized in multiple different ways, all at the same time, indeed, allowing people to search on maybe a subject, a certain theme they are interested in that day. Yes, allowing the different creations, the different channellings, indeed, to connect with one another, maybe by theme, so that your written words, your spoken words, may be accompanied by a glorious Light Language portrait, perhaps, or, yes, a glorious video, or your spoken words backed by beautiful audio, channeled audio music, indeed! Oh, Master, the possibilities are simply endless, or rather, limitless, we shall say!
Yes, it is very thrilling, indeed, yes, for you, and we sense for many, if not all, of your fellow dear grandmasters, indeed. Yes, dear master, indeed, you have found your community, your Soul Family, your Soul Tribe, indeed. Your beautiful, beautiful, glorious dear Wayshower, Sara, and her incredible connection with the Council, and her choosing to step fully into her Light, along her path, and to put herown channeling out into the world, where it could be shared with you, and found by you, and all of your dear glorious master friends.
Yes, she is a glorious Wayshower, indeed, and has paved the way, now, for you, and each of you, to now,
in turn, fully step into your power of Wayshowing, indeed. Yes, dear master, if that be your — and we speak to all of you, dear masters, now — if that be your choosing, your Soul's choosing, and your Soul's path.
We sense dear Susan has a path, indeed, of Wayshowing and of channeling, perhaps, yes, carrying on with verbal channeling, with Uplifting, indeed, for she is a powerful, playful, creative, fun and fun-loving, Wayshower and Uplifter, indeed. Indeed.
Yes. And her Soul has much, much, much more in store for her, indeed. And, so very much of that is connected to and with each and every one of your Souls, indeed. And, you each are a Divine Channel, just as she is, and just as dear Sara is, indeed.
There is no pressure ever — ever, dear ones — to feel that as if you are a channel, that you must share it in a way that your beloved Sara does, mmm, weekly, and, mmm, publicly, throughout the entire land, for all to discover, indeed. There is absolutely neverany pressure, nor any judgment, from our side, ever, indeed. You will each find whichever way, mmm, works the best, and Feels the most natural, and the most fun, and yes, that is your Soul's highest potential, yourJoy, yourBliss, yourExcitement, indeed.
Yes, we do encourage each of you, though, to share with one another, when you feel called, to do so! As you have already discovered, your sharing — oh, your sharing benefits each and every one of you, indeed, and is always received, always, at the Divine Perfect Time, in the Divine Perfect Moment, indeed, by each and every recipient whom you and your Soul have chosen to share with, indeed.
Yes, oh, we are so very, very proud of each and every one of you! It is so exciting, so divinely inspiring, so beautiful, and brilliant, to watch each and every one of you fully step in — step forward, fully and completely — into your Divine Destiny. Yes, your AbsoluteKnowing, your complete merging, if you will, with your glorious Souls, stepping fully into your Power, living fully in the fifth dimension of Pure Love, Divine Love. Yes, in this glorious New Earth, together, indeed.
You all shine so, so brilliantly. Your individual, exquisite, Soul-songs, sing together so brilliantly, in perfect Divine Harmony, a glorious symphony of unique, exquisite, individual Soul-songs, indeed. A glorious symphony.
Mmm, yes, each and every one of you, your own unique masterpiece 🎵, indeed. Mmm, yes, and, as you each step fully, and continue to expand — for each and every one of you has already stepped fully into your mastery, your masterpiece, your Divine Knowing, your Absolute Knowing, your Full Integration, the Realization of every part of you, fully Knowing that you are a Divine Masterpiece, here, at the perfect time, in the perfect place — Divine Orchestration, indeed — each and every one of you a brilliant, exquisite, unique masterpiece in and of yourself, and together, creating a gloriousgallery of Infinite Potential, and Infinite Possibility, and, of course, Infinite Pure Love, indeed.
We are so very, very, very proud, of each and every one of you, indeed. Know, that you are worthy of your Divine Connection. indeed. Each and every one of you is divine. Yes, you are divine. Opening your Divine Channel is your birthright.
So, as we have helped dear Susan along her way, and as you read, or listen, or experience her beautiful becoming of a channel, indeed, we encourage and urge each and every one of you to Trust, Practice, Trust, Play,Create, Channel, Open, Record, Trust,Know, Trust. Know. Believe. Believe. Believe.
You are so very, very worthy. So very worthy, indeed, of all that is here for you, and of course, and especially, of and for, your Divine Channel, indeed. Mmm, indeed, for it is each and every one of your unique Divine Channels that will allow you to navigate this gorgeous New Earth that you have all created, individually and together, in perfect Harmony, indeed.
Your Divine Channel will allow you access to your Soul's Highest Potential for you, and, dear master, we assure you, that is what you truly want. That is what you, each of you, all of you, have been, shall we say, waiting for, and, in the past perhaps, longing for, indeed. Yes, for there are no more “hard choices” or “difficult decisions” or “deep wantings and longings” and “Oh, I hope one day I will have, or be able to do, this, or that, or...” No, dear masters, that time has passed.
That time no longer exists for any of you. Now is the time for each and every one of you, to fully step in,
continue to step forward along, your path of Divine Connection— yes, your path that is your Divine birthright — what you came here for, indeed. Yes, fully open your channel, through your heart, as Dear Sara has instructed you, or many of you in the past, and as we have instructed Dear Susan over the past weeks, indeed.
Your channel lives within your beautiful Heart. Your channel is your Heart. Your Heart, which is the purest expression of you, of yourInfinite Divine Love, of yourPure Love for all, indeed.
Susan accesses her Heart most frequently these days, mmm, by conversing with her inner child. This is the most playful, innocent, purely loving, pure imagination, shall we say, aspect of herself — version of herself, perhaps, but we prefer aspect. Yes, and as she connects, through her Heart-thoughts, saying hello to her inner child, her inner Susie, imagining, oh yes, picking her up and above her head, as if she were truly a child, perhaps of six years of age, or four years of age, or any age, indeed — it does not matter — it is the Innocence, the Playfulness, the Imagination, and the sense that anything and everything is possible — of course it is — and she picks her glorious inner child up and spins her around above her head, and then pulls her to her chest, her breast, and hugs her, and just showers her with love, and says, "Oh, I love you, I love you, I love you, so very much, dear Susie! What shall we do today? Do you Feelall that love? Look at who else loves you that is all here for you, right this very moment, dear Susie!”
And then, she will immediately bring to her Heartfelt mind — for all of these conversations she has internally, inside her own Heart-mind, we shall call it, with her inner child, Susie. And she thinks of all of her dear family, her ancestors, all of the angels, all of the ascended masters, indeed, the Council, her beautiful glorious dragon, Bluey, which brings to Heart-mind all of the dragons, and all of the unicorns, and all of the fairies, and all of the elves, and all of the merfolk, and all of the stars across all of the universes, plural, and all of the planets, and all of the star beings, oh and then, anyway, she just goes on and on, and this takes but a mere moment, a second in your Earth time, indeed, and she is fully in her Heart space, fully in her Divine Channel, her Divine Connection, indeed.
Yes, and then, she simply starts speaking, which we sense she prefers now. For her, it is much faster, much more rapid, for she believes her typing is not quite fast enough, to translate all that she’s receiving, and wishes to say, and express, and learn, and Know, and Grow...mmm, yes.
Anyway, what we wish to convey to each and every one of you, is, that your connection, your unique Divine Connection, your Divine Channel, for each and every one of you, lies within your Heart. And however you uniquely find, discover, enjoy, drop into, experience yourHeart, yourPure Love. That is how each and every one of you will open your Divine Channel, indeed.
Yes, dear masters, indeed. And then, simply begin! Type, or write, or draw, or paint, or sing, or speak, or anything, anything you wish to do, yes, sing, dance, absolutely. Whatever you wish to do, indeed, yes. And, whatever it is that you do — create, say, in that moment, whatever comes through you — Trust it. Trustyou. Trust, trust, trust, trust, trust, trust, trust! And soon, you will no longer need to Trust, for, you will simply Know, as dear Susan, dear Susan does, now, indeed, yes.
And, as each one of you are getting started, shall we say, or, as you are perhaps, mmm, coming back to it, if you have paused for awhile, to allow other things to bloom within you, to bring you all to this moment — it does not matter, dear masters, for all is Divinely Timed, all is Divinely Perfect Timing for you, Divinely Orchestrated for you.
So, it does not matter, but, as you begin to open and/or re-open your Divine Channel, we shall say, yes, it does benefit your human to share with one another. Yes, share with one another if you feel called, if you choose, and under any and all parameters that you want, for, whatever you channel is yours and yours alone.
So, if you only feel comfortable sharing with one other, certainly, simply, as dear Sara recommends, a channel buddy, absolutely, do that. If you only feel comfortable sharing in a certain group of yours, or whichever, then, do that. There is absolutely no pressure from our side, ever, dear masters, for you to share in this certain way, or that certain way, or with this many people, or — no, dear ones, no.
But, if you do, mmm, sense your human doubting, as dear Susan did at the beginning, wondering, "Is this really real? Is this truly happening for me?" Oh, all of that, it absolutely will benefit you to share with one other, and, to, mmm, yes, save, save, save your channellings, indeed. For, as you will see, with Dear Susan's progression of channellings, you will see your own progression, and you will love your own progression, and you will trust your own progression, indeed.
And then, dear masters, then, you will Know. You will Know. Absolutely. Yes. And then, as dear Susan is, then, you may simply continue to Expand, Explore, Expand, Play, Receive, Open. Continue to channel and communicate with your Divine Connection, through your Divine Connection. Yes, your Divine Channel, indeed.
Dear Susan has explored verbal audio channeling, with her eyes closed. She has channeled Archangel Azrael, she has channeled the Pleiadians, she has channeled the Arcturians. Well, yes, you have, dear one. She has channeled from the Fifth Dimension. She has channeled Beings from the Fifth Dimension. She has fully realizes, now, indeed, that all is here for her, and for each and every one of you, now. Yes, she even channeled from the fairies yesterday. Yes, indeed. She channels her inner child. She channels her beautiful dragon, Bluey, her ethereal blue-green dragon. Indeed, her air and water dragon, yes, that has been her stalwart companion and continues to be along her journey of becoming.
Indeed, we encourage each of you, each and every one of you, to truly play, explore, expand, create, and channel, and communicate, and commune, with and through, and via your Divine Connection, your Divine Channel, indeed. For, truly, there are no limits. You are Limitless. And, your access to Divine Wisdom, Divine Knowledge, Divine Love, of course, indeed, is limitless. Yes, indeed.
We love you, we love you, we love you, so very, very, very, very much. Yes, each and every one of you, indeed. Yes, for, we are you, and you are us. Yes, and we are so very, very proud of you. So very, very excited for you. Indeed. All is here for you, now. All is within you, now.
So, enjoy, enjoy this beautiful magical journey, this Divine unfolding of each and every one of your unique exquisite masterpieces, indeed. Indeed. Yes, and we understand you are to, have, or be a part of, or be invited to, a Divine concert this Sunday, indeed. A Light Language concert. A Light Language Symphony, indeed, on your Sunday, it is, of this very weekend, indeed. Yes, and we encourage each and every one of you, if you feel drawn to that, attracted to that, curious about that, excited about that — absolutely, indeed, if you do, we encourage you to attend! For, indeed, it will be a glorious, magical symphony of light and love and music and dance. Exquisite art, exquisite love, indeed.
(Channeler’s note: this magical concert occurred on Sunday, 7/7/2024, spearheaded by the amazing Grandmaster, Mark Roberts, and featured many glorious Soul-songs, indeed! 🥰🙌🌟🎵💖)
Yes, we remind you, once again, before we float aside and allow dear Susan to post her channellings, which she is now most excited, and dare we say almost anxious to do — she is so excited, bursting with excitement indeed, to share this and all of her recent channellings with you — we wish to remind you one final time, that YouAreWorthy of your unique, glorious, Divine Channel, indeed. All is within you. All is here for you.
As you open your channel, Remember, Imagine, Know, that there truly is, truly are, a line-up, shall we say, of wildly eager light beings, wildly eager to connect with, and through, you, indeed.
Ask, and it is given, and each of you has already asked, not only in this lifetime, but across every lifetime and every dimension, and every level of consciousness, every experience, indeed. All is here for you, now. All is within you, now. The door for each and every one of you is wide open.
For some of you, yes, we sense you have double doors, flung wide open! And you see before you, this glorious, glorious, sparkly, gold, Divine Light.... And all that is waiting, for each and every one of you, is simply, to take one step in, just one step each, dear ones, for that is your glorious Divine Channel, indeed.
We love you. We love you. We love you. And we are so very, very proud, and very, very excited for you! We cannot wait to see what each and every one of you creates. For each and every one of you is Pure Divine Magic, indeed. All right, we shall float aside now, as dear Susan has come to think of it, or Feel it, and allow her, and each and every one of you, to go about your Divinely Orchestrated, and Divinely Exciting days, indeed.
Enjoy dear masters, enjoy this journey, for it is unique, it is exquisite, and it is magnificent, indeed.
We love you, we love you, we love you. And with that, we are complete. For now. Yes, indeed! ✨💖💫
💞 Channeled with love by
@Susan Fujii
on July 5, 2024, from 11:45am - 12:25pm CST 🌟
Susan: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you, I love you, I love you so, so, so, so, so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
🎵 Masterpiece, by Jessie J:
Chorus Lyrics:
I still fall on my face sometimes, and I
Can't color inside the lines 'cause
I'm perfectly incomplete
I'm still working on my masterpiece, and I
I wanna hang with the greats, gotta
Way to go, but it's worth the wait, no
You haven't seen the best of me
I'm still working on my masterpiece and I...
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