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Lecture Note

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Lecture 5: Careers in BIM

Discussion Topic:

Section A: Architecture Carrers in BIM

Identify some potential career paths and roles in the BIM.
What are the two most important career paths in BIM, and why?
Why architect with BIM skills is in demand in construction industry?
What are the skills that is important to be acquired as BIM Modeler? Can these skills acquire in architecture school?
What are the skills that is important to be acquired as BIM Manager? Can these skills acquire in architecture school?

Section B: BIM Adoption

Discuss why developing a BIM standard is important in BIM adoption plan?
Provide a few examples of BIM standards that is critical to be adopted?
Discuss the important of Data Management and Knowledge Management in BIM adoption. Identify a few software that usually being use for this purpose.
BIM adoption in Malaysia is currently being shifting from BIM level 1 to BIM level 2, what is your preparation towards that shifting?

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