Mengurangi produksi sampah plastik rumah tangga,Membuat sistem pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat
Number of waste being managed in the local area
Meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah
Percentage of people/household with increased knowledge and awareness on waste management
Mengurangi produksi sampah plastik rumah tangga,Membuat sistem pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat
Object of Change
The increase of waste being managed
Unit of Measurement
Number of waste being managed in the local area
The number of waste in kg being managed
2000 kg of waste being managed
Data Point
Number of waste being produced by the community before the project,"Number of waste in kg being managed (collected, transported, recycled) at the end of the project"
Data Source
- Waste weighing
- Waste production research
- Desktop research
- Inperson survey
- 1 month before project
- Every quarter of the project; 1 month after project