After a brief break due to financial issues, I’m back on my learning path! I finished my Unit 4 project yesterday and today I’m powering through the learning content of Unit 5. I have one my course to complete and then it’s on to my final project! I am very nervous and excited for what comes after that! I’m still trying to decide what I actually want to do at that point.
February 1, 2022
Today I finished the modules for Unit 3 and put together my Phrase Hunter project for that unit! I’m so excited at how quickly I’m getting through this TechDegree and how well I’m doing. I’m a little nervous about what comes next after I complete the TechDegree. I kind of want to start a freelance software dev business after graduation but I’m not sure if I’ll be fully prepared for that so I might instead try to find a more stable job at least to start out. I’m hoping Treehouse will provide me with some resources to make that job hunting process easier.
January 30, 2022
I have made a lot of progress in the last week. I was able to complete my Unit 1 project and pass with Exceeds Expectations! Additionally, I’ve powered through Unit 2 and completed the project for that unit as well! I cannot submit it for grading until a week after my last project was graded. So that means I can’t actually submit it until February 3 at the earliest. In the meantime, I’ve pushed the project to my GitHub so that I can receive “unofficial” peer review from my classmates. If you want to check it out, you can find it
I’m excited to start working towards getting my TechDegree from Treehouse! I will be studying Python Development, as I know a bit about Python already and enjoy the language. I will be back with more updates soon!
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