This window displays the energy spectrum of the photon (gamma and X-ray) radiation, typed by the device over a certain period of time. When you connect the device to the smartphone, the app reads the spectrum data from the device. Subsequently, the spectrum graph is updated either automatically at the interval specified in the settings, or manually.


At the top right of the graph you can see:
The time for which the spectrum data was accumulated, in the format HH:MM:SS.
The average pulse count rate, i.e. the sum of the number of pulses for all channels, divided by the time of data accumulation.
Average dose rate of X-ray and gamma radiation over the time of spectrum accumulation.
X-ray and gamma radiation dose over the accumulation time of the spectrum.
The way the graph is updated, or, , the name of the spectrum.

In the mode of displaying the graph of difference between spectrum and background the values of count rate and dose rate will be equal to the difference of these values for spectrum and background. The accumulated dose will be calculated by the formula (Ds - Db) * Ts, where Ds is the spectrum dose, Db is the background dose, Ts is the spectrum accumulation time. In difference mode, spectrum information is displayed in italics as a reminder.

The display of each item except the last is controlled by the corresponding setting. Unnecessary data can be turned off to save screen space.

The part of the graph in which the shape of the spectrum should be considered unreliable due to the small volume of events accumulated there is drawn in gray.

Depending on the settings, the X-axis can display either channel numbers or photon energy. The Y- axis can display either the number of pulses or the count rate. The Y-axis scale can be linear or logarithmic.
Opens the settings related to the spectrum plot. In the settings you can choose:
Scale of the Y-axis - linear or logarithmic. Fast scale switching - with icons “Lin.” and “Log.”.
Units of the Y-axis - the number of pulses or the count rate.
X-axis units - channel number or photon energy.
Graph update: either automatically at a preset interval or manually with the button .
Displayed channels: You can select how many channels to display on the graph, starting from zero (more precisely, from channel number 2, since channels 0 and 1 are service ones and are not displayed). This can be useful if the events in the older channels are not interesting.
Show last channel: Turn on/off the display of the last channel data. The counter of the last channel includes not only the data of this channel itself, but also all data outside the range displayed on the graph, so it may not always be interesting to look at the last channel.
Drawing the graph: You can choose to fill the spectrum graph with color (fill) and stroke with a line, or one of these options.
Drawing the background: You can set the background to fill the graph with a color (fill) and stroke with a line, or one of these options.
Displaying the background: look to .
Display isotope information: In the application window title bar, display information about the characteristic gamma line of the isotope and decay chain, and display an icon to go to a website for more information. Disabling this option also disables the display of all isotope lines.
Display the position of the gamma lines: Draw turquoise clue lines corresponding to the position of isotope energies.
Display the intensity of the gamma lines: Draw red clue lines corresponding to the positions and intensities of isotope energies.
Draw markers on the lines of intensity: Display the gamma line intensity amplitude as red dots on the isotope lines.
"Spectrum Information" group: You can select which spectrum information to display in the upper right corner of the graph.
Show the amplification slider: Below the spectrum graph you can see the slider that adjusts the "amplification" of the histogram, see below.
Show the filter slider: Below the spectrum graph you can see the slider that adjusts the degree of filtering (smoothing) of the histogram, see below.
Gaps between bars in the “Fill only” mode: Draw bars with gaps between them, rather than a solid graph contour line, if the selected scale allows it and the "Draw a polyline instead of a histogram" option is disabled.
Draw a polyline instead of a histogram: instead of rectangular bars (histogram), draw a polyline that connects the midpoints of the tops of the bars. The graph is not entirely “true”, because the accumulation of the spectrum is still discrete for each channel. In this mode, the option “Gaps between bars in the “Fill only” mode” has no meaning and is ignored.
Do not display negative values in the spectrum-background difference mode: Display only the top of the spectrum versus background difference plot that corresponds to positive difference values. Negative values will be displayed as zero.
Automatically scale the Y-axis: When the scale is more than 1, automatically select the scale of the Y axis in accordance with the maximum value of the data in the displayed area of the graph.
Export format: Choose in which format .
csv Export separator: you can specify which symbol to use when exporting the spectrum to a text file with the .csv extension (comma or semicolon).
Calibration coefficients: a page opens where you can specify the calibration factors a₀, a₁ and a₂.
Spectrum calibration is performed to convert the number of the spectrum channel to the value of the emission energy in keV using a polynomial of the 2nd degree of the form:
E=a₀ +a₁·x+a₂·x²,
where x is the channel number; a₀, a₁, a₂ are calibration coefficients.
Select the linear scale of the Y-axis.
Select the logarithmic scale of the Y-axis.
Refresh spectrum data. The application reads the current data from the device and updates the graph regardless of the update method selected in the settings (manual or automatic).
Enlarge the graph (zoom in). The graph can be scrolled horizontally. Long press of this button increases the zoom to the maximum. The current scale value is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen.
Zoom out. Long press of this button decreases the scale to one.
Open the dropdown menu. Actions are available in the menu:
Restart accumulation of spectrum data. Confirmation is requested before restarting.
Share spectrum: Export spectrum data to a text file with the .csv or .xml extension () and "share" this file, i.e. save it in the smartphone memory, send it by mail or via messenger.
Save spectrum to library: Save spectrum to database. In the future, the spectrum can be used as a background, shared, etc. If the “Set as current background” option is left enabled in the spectrum saving request window, the saved spectrum is selected as the background to be displayed together with the spectrum. The background name is displayed in the vertical text box along the Y-axis.
Spectrum Information: A window will open with detailed information about the spectrum, background and the difference between them.
Isotope info: Show detailed information about the isotope that corresponds to the tapping point on the plot.
Attach the selected isotope: Plot the lines of the currently displayed isotope or decay chain on the graph. The lines will be displayed in their places when moving the pointer, zooming and flipping the graph, etc., until the lock is explicitly released by the "Unlock selected isotope" menu item.
Detach the selected isotope: Unlock the isotope or decay chain lines set by the "Attach the selected isotope" command.
There are no rows in this table
Tapping the graph at a display scale of x1, displays the cursor lines. The vertical line corresponding to the position on the X-axis can be moved by tapping the screen at the desired point or moving your finger across the screen. The horizontal line is automatically positioned to the position of the pointer on the X-axis.

To display marker lines at a scale greater than x1, do long tap on the screen, then marker lines will appear. Move the vertical line left and right without lifting your finger from the screen.

Quick double tap toggles the display mode between linear and logarithmic.
At the bottom of the spectrum window there is a slider that controls “enhancement” of a histogram. A curve of the following type is superimposed on the graph:

This allows subtle peaks to appear on the graph. For each channel, the value is calculated by the formula Vn = Vn An F + 1, where:
n - channel number Vn - spectrum value (number of pulses or count rate) in channel n An - the value at the corresponding point of the amplifying curve F - gain factor, which is set by the slider, from 0 to 5.
In amplification mode with F >= 1, the digitization of the Y axis is not displayed.
Filter Engine applies a smoothing algorithm to the spectrum graph. The higher the filter value, the more the graph is smoothed.

The spectrum graph is also available as a .

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