Device settings

Measurement units

Use [Measurement units] item of Settings submenu to change the units of Monitor, Dose and Search display modes:
while in the Settings, set focus on the [Measurement units] by short pressing the "up" and "down" swing buttons;
enter the submenu by short pressing the round button.
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If you need to change the units of Monitor / dose rate and Dose display modes take the following steps (while in the [Measurement units]):
set focus on the [Dose] item by short pressing the swing buttons;
select the dose (and dose rate) units by short pressing the round button: Sv {Sievert} (Sv/h for Monitor mode) or R {Roentgen} (R/h for Monitor mode).
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If you need to change the units of Monitor / count rate and Search display modes take the following steps (while in the [Measurement units]):
set focus on the [Count rate] item by short pressing the swing buttons;
select the count rate units by short pressing the round button: CPS {counts per second} or CPM {counts per minute}.
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To return to the Settings or quit the menu select [<Back] or [<< Menu quit] item respectively and confirm your choice by short pressing the round button.

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