Is unaware of your product, or perhaps even your entire business. They may have pain points that need to be addressed but they may not be actively looking for solutions. This is your chance to make a great first impression.
Word of mouth/peer referals Television/Radio advertising The potential buyer is aware that your product exists, but now you need to encourage them to contact you to register their interest, turning them into a prospect.
In-depth product feature information Contact information for sales reps The customer needs information to make a rational choice on whether the product is right for them. They will try to educate themselves, but you need to be there to guide them and provide them with the information they need.
In-person pitch or presentation Company accreditations (ISO etc.) In-depth price and contract information The decision has been made and now is the time to follow through on your promises by delivering the product in a way that builds on your brand values and impresses your new client.
Product delivery/installation Packaging and documentation Employee onboarding support You can't just ignore your new client - you can encourage customer retention and repeat purchasing through a proactive relationship management program and great customer service. You can also create value by having them give testimonials and referrals.
Email updates (new features, patches etc.) VIP/preferred client programs Check-in calls from sales reps Ongoing customer satisfaction monitoring