This should be combined with other exercises, in order to get deeper and assess / understand a complex reality
In Deep Democracy exercise we will come up a temporary solution, above the water. We agree to come to a resolution. Close when temp solution is there.
But that temp solution can be deepened and better understood using the Iceberg (patterns, structures, underlying models). Can lead to draft of more sustainable solution.
When you think about it, you can understand why icebergs are “bigger” beneath the water. Most of the mass of an iceberg lies below the surface of the water because the conditions inside the water prevent the ice from melting. While at the top, since the atmosphere is warmer, the ice melts. Therefore, more ice beneath and less at the top. Similarly, this is what happens in real life.
Het model uitleggen aan de hand van een visual. Verschillende layers uitleggen. Aangeven dat de stromen van de oceaan die we niet onmiddellijk zien, bepalen hoe de top van de ijsberg zich gedraagt.
This is what’s visible. What actually happened. → event...
When we look closely, we can see repetitions → patterns, trends.
What’s causing the pattern to exist ? physical structure ? Environment ? Rituals / habits that tend to create these patterns
The beliefs, the principles, the values that motivate the behavior
Event : X people have quit their jobs the last month
Pattern: These days a lot of people are quitting their jobs
Underlying structures
On an individual level: People want more flexible hours; Want to spend more time with their kids, but the office culture is not allowing this to happen.
On organizational level: The whole structure is build around going to the office; Organizations are not favoring the work-from-home culture because they think employees are procrastinating; There is already a physical office and it’s hard for the owners to just leave it or see it empty for most of the time; The common conception is that you need to be present in the office to do your job; The ritual of “going to work” is deeply embedded in our society.
Mental models
People are quitting their jobs because they place their families first;
They want their center of gravity to be their lives and what they find valuable, not things revolving solely around their job;
They want a better work/life balance;
Employees don’t think that you should work your ass off;
They think that people should use their time to travel, explore, have an equal amount of fun.
Employers think the working environment needs physical presence to create a culture; Corporations are not fully trusting their staff that they’ll do the job correctly if they are not in the office; They want more control over the employees...
The solution:
Transform the mental models: Organizations can become more flexible and understand people’s real needs. Realize that the world is changing and that they must accept the change, not stay in the old ways of doing things.
Design a better structure: Focus on creating an environment where remote work, or at least the hybrid approach, is working and everyone feels equally rewarded. Review all processes and make them more flexible.
Patterns: Anticipate what might happen. Have conversations with your staff regularly. This will help you prevent people from burning out or
Event: When someone wants to quit, you can have a conversation with him and understand his reasons. If his decision is final, you can at least make corrections to your system that will benefit the people who still work for you.
Verzameling van een aantal “cases”: feiten, events, die we observeren. Dit kunnen we vragen aan de groep, maar we bereiden er best een aantal voor op steekkaarten:
De cirkel klaagt over teveel werkdruk
Enkele cirkel leden brengen nooit spanningen aan.
De aangebrachte spanningen zijn van lage kwaliteit: puur korte termijn operationeel.
... TBD!
Cases verdelen over groepen van drie. Hen de opdracht geven er het ijsberg model op toe te passen. Kan op flipchart / met post-its / in Miro.
Wat zien we, wat kunnen we observeren? Wat gebeurt er?
Zijn er patronen die we kunnen vaststellen? In tijd, plaats? Is iets gelijkaardigs al eerder gebeurd? Wanneer? Hoe vaak?
Welke structuren veroorzaken dit patroon?
Welke mentale modellen liggen eronder?
Schrijf zoveel mogelijk dingen op. Beweeg eventueel terug naar boven, zijn er nog zaken die we kunnen observeren?
Zien jullie bepaalde hefbomen? Punten waarop je zou kunnen tussenkomen om systemische verandering te realiseren?
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