Storage (for all the assets)
network SSD prices
SKUs count
Differentiate Video in comment?
Real time delivery
1 page visit
Traffic (each pageview)
8M page views - is significant, but not as much that we can’t handle, we just need to scale it in advance eSM currently works on 3 servers - we need to setup a new one all types of requests (including RTD we have 50 requests/sec) what we need to do is to extract RTD from the rest sotres need to inject our JS on their webstie + our HTML styling
Hard-coded system sections (Dedicated to customers)
1 man day
With each custom request of UI/Logics etc
we might consider selling custom look&feel, however we should make it customisable by users, available for all (or selected customers tier) we should avoid custom login methods, other than our own
API + media trafficking going through
1K API calls
number of retailers using the API
Custom integration (e.g. Hybris)
1 man day
Every entity increases the complexity of analysis/integration/maintenance
⚠️ there is no proper documentation most of the times, which makes the process even more expensive
Custom Exporters
per 1 custom exporter
per custom exporter change
Currently: maintenance costs and often poorly expectations or customer-3rd party business contracts.
basic exporters - could be a part of the offer custom exporters price should be multiplied x2, x3, x4 - overall charged premium, at least unless we come up with a more generic configurator which could cover at least 60% of cases
General Ability to request anything beyond what SaaS offers
Fact of giving cusomers a window of opportunity to request anything at all (custom views/dashboards/csv)
executives time, deciding about priorities product managers/designers lost posibities due to not doing roadmap things any little issue is a big distraction with higher than expected potential cost