Last edited 158 days ago by System Writer
Writing performant code is absolutely critical, especially at the enterprise level. There are a number of strategies and best practices we must employ to ensure our code is optimized for high-traffic situations.

Efficient Database Queries

When querying the database in WordPress, you should generally use a object. WP_Query objects take a number of useful arguments and do things behind-the-scenes that other database access methods such as do not.
Here are a few key points:
Only run the queries that you need.
A new WP_Query object runs five queries by default, including calculating pagination and priming the term and meta caches. Each of the following arguments will remove a query:
'no_found_rows' => true: useful when pagination is not needed.
'update_post_meta_cache' => false: useful when post meta will not be utilized.
'update_post_term_cache' => false: useful when taxonomy terms will not be utilized.
'fields' => 'ids': useful when only the post IDs are needed (less typical).
Do not use posts_per_page => -1.
This is a performance hazard. What if we have 100,000 posts? This could crash the site. If you are writing a widget, for example, and just want to grab all of a custom post type, determine a reasonable upper limit for your situation.
// Query for 500 posts.
new WP_Query( array(
'posts_per_page' => 500,
Do not use $wpdb or get_posts() unless you have good reason.
get_posts() actually calls WP_Query, but calling get_posts() directly bypasses a number of filters by default. Not sure whether you need these things or not? You probably don’t.
If you don’t plan to paginate query results, always pass no_found_rows => true to WP_Query.
This will tell WordPress not to run SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS on the SQL query, drastically speeding up your query. SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS calculates the total number of rows in your query which is required to know the total amount of “pages” for pagination.
// Skip SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS for performance (no pagination).
new WP_Query( array(
'no_found_rows' => true,
Avoid using post__not_in.
In most cases it’s quicker to filter out the posts you don’t need in PHP instead of within the query. This also means it can take advantage of better caching. This won’t work correctly (without additional tweaks) for pagination.
Use :
$foo_query = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' => 'post',
'posts_per_page' => 30 + count( $posts_to_exclude )
) );

if ( $foo_query->have_posts() ) :
while ( $foo_query->have_posts() ) :
if ( in_array( get_the_ID(), $posts_to_exclude ) ) {
Instead of:
$foo_query = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' => 'post',
'posts_per_page' => 30,
'post__not_in' => $posts_to_exclude
) );
A is a tool that lets us group or classify posts.
lets us store unique information about specific posts. As such the way post meta is stored does not facilitate efficient post lookups. Generally, looking up posts by post meta should be avoided (sometimes it can’t). If you have to use one, make sure that it’s not the main query and that it’s cached.
Passing cache_results => false to WP_Query is usually not a good idea.
If cache_results => true (which is true by default if you have caching enabled and an object cache setup), WP_Query will cache the posts found among other things. It makes sense to use cache_results => false in rare situations (possibly WP-CLI commands).
Multi-dimensional queries should be avoided.
Examples of multi-dimensional queries include:
* Querying for posts based on terms across multiple taxonomies
* Querying multiple post meta keys
Each extra dimension of a query joins an extra database table. Instead, query by the minimum number of dimensions possible and use PHP to filter out results you don’t need.
Here is an example of a 2-dimensional query:
// Query for posts with both a particular category and tag.
new WP_Query( array(
'category_name' => 'cat-slug',
'tag' => 'tag-slug',
WP_Query vs. get_posts() vs. query_posts()
As outlined above, get_posts() and WP_Query, apart from some slight nuances, are quite similar. Both have the same performance cost (minus the implication of skipping filters): the query performed.
, on the other hand, behaves quite differently than the other two and should almost never be used. Specifically:
It creates a new WP_Query object with the parameters you specify.
It replaces the existing main query loop with a new instance of WP_Query.
As noted in the , query_posts() isn’t meant to be used by plugins or themes. Due to replacing and possibly re-running the main query, query_posts() is not performant and certainly not an acceptable way of changing the main query.
Build arrays that encourage lookup by key instead of search by value
is not an efficient way to find if a given value is present in an array. The worst case scenario is that the whole array needs to be traversed, thus making it a function with
complexity. VIP review reports in_array() use as an error, as it’s known not to scale.
The best way to check if a value is present in an array is by building arrays that encourage lookup by key and use . ​isset() uses an
hash search on the key and will scale.
Here is an example of an array that encourages lookup by key by using the intended values as keys of an associative array
$array = array(
'foo' => true,
'bar' => true,
if ( isset( $array['bar'] ) ) {
// value is present in the array
In case you don’t have control over the array creation process and are forced to use in_array(), to improve the performance slightly, you should always set the third parameter to true to force use of strict comparison.


Caching is simply the act of storing computed data somewhere for later use, and is an incredibly important concept in WordPress. There are different ways to employ caching, and often multiple methods will be used.
The “Object Cache”
Object caching is the act of caching data or objects for later use. In the context of WordPress, objects are cached in memory so they can be retrieved quickly.
In WordPress, the object cache functionality provided by , and the are great solutions for improving performance on long-running queries, complex functions, or similar.
On a regular WordPress install, the difference between transients and the object cache is that transients are persistent and would write to the options table, while the object cache only persists for the particular page load.
It is possible to create a transient that will never expire by omitting the third parameter, this should be avoided as any non-expiring transients are autoloaded on every page and you may actually decrease performance by doing so.
On environments with a persistent caching mechanism (i.e. , , or similar) enabled, the transient functions become wrappers for the normal WP_Object_Cache functions. The objects are identically stored in the object cache and will be available across page loads.
High-traffic environments not using a persistent caching mechanism should be wary of using transients and filling the wp_options table with an excessive amount of data. See the “” section for details.
Note: as the objects are stored in memory, you need to consider that these objects can be cleared at any time and that your code must be constructed in a way that it would not rely on the objects being in place.
This means you always need to ensure you check for the existence of a cached object and be ready to generate it in case it’s not available. Here is an example:
* Retrieve top 10 most-commented posts and cache the results.
* @return array|WP_Error Array of WP_Post objects with the highest comment counts,
* WP_Error object otherwise.
function prefix_get_top_commented_posts() {
// Check for the top_commented_posts key in the 'top_posts' group.
$top_commented_posts = wp_cache_get( 'prefix_top_commented_posts', 'top_posts' );

// If nothing is found, build the object.
if ( false === $top_commented_posts ) {
// Grab the top 10 most commented posts.
$top_commented_posts = new WP_Query( 'orderby=comment_count&posts_per_page=10' );

if ( ! is_wp_error( $top_commented_posts ) && $top_commented_posts->have_posts() ) {
// Cache the whole WP_Query object in the cache and store it for 5 minutes (300 secs).
wp_cache_set( 'prefix_top_commented_posts', $top_commented_posts->posts, 'top_posts', 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );
return $top_commented_posts;
In the above example, the cache is checked for an object with the 10 most commented posts and would generate the list in case the object is not in the cache yet. Generally, calls to WP_Query other than the main query should be cached.
As the content is cached for 300 seconds, the query execution is limited to one time every 5 minutes, which is nice.
However, the cache rebuild in this example would always be triggered by a visitor who would hit a stale cache, which will increase the page load time for the visitors and under high-traffic conditions. This can cause race conditions when a lot of people hit a stale cache for a complex query at the same time. In the worst case, this could cause queries at the database server to pile up causing replication, lag, or worse.
That said, a relatively easy solution for this problem is to make sure that your users would ideally always hit a primed cache. To accomplish this, you need to think about the conditions that need to be met to make the cached value invalid. In our case this would be the change of a comment.
The easiest hook we could identify that would be triggered for any of this actions would be set as do_action( 'wp_update_comment_count', $post_id, $new, $old ).
With this in mind, the function could be changed so that the cache would always be primed when this action is triggered.
Here is how it’s done:
* Prime the cache for the top 10 most-commented posts.
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @param int $new The new comment count.
* @param int $old The old comment count.
function prefix_refresh_top_commented_posts( $post_id, $new, $old ) {
// Force the cache refresh for top-commented posts.
prefix_get_top_commented_posts( $force_refresh = true );
add_action( 'wp_update_comment_count', 'prefix_refresh_top_commented_posts', 10, 3 );

* Retrieve top 10 most-commented posts and cache the results.
* @param bool $force_refresh Optional. Whether to force the cache to be refreshed. Default false.
* @return array|WP_Error Array of WP_Post objects with the highest comment counts, WP_Error object otherwise.
function prefix_get_top_commented_posts( $force_refresh = false ) {
// Check for the top_commented_posts key in the 'top_posts' group.
$top_commented_posts = wp_cache_get( 'prefix_top_commented_posts', 'top_posts' );

// If nothing is found, build the object.
if ( true === $force_refresh || false === $top_commented_posts ) {
// Grab the top 10 most commented posts.
$top_commented_posts = new WP_Query( 'orderby=comment_count&posts_per_page=10' );

if ( ! is_wp_error( $top_commented_posts ) && $top_commented_posts->have_posts() ) {
// In this case we don't need a timed cache expiration.
wp_cache_set( 'prefix_top_commented_posts', $top_commented_posts->posts, 'top_posts' );
return $top_commented_posts;
With this implementation, you can keep the cache object forever and don’t need to add an expiration for the object as you would create a new cache entry whenever it is required. Just keep in mind that some external caches (like Memcache) can invalidate cache objects without any input from WordPress.
For that reason, it’s best to make the code that repopulates the cache available for many situations.
In some cases, it might be necessary to create multiple objects depending on the parameters a function is called with. In these cases, it’s usually a good idea to create a cache key which includes a representation of the variable parameters. A simple solution for this would be appending an md5 hash of the serialized parameters to the key name.
Page Caching
Page caching in the context of web development refers to storing a requested location’s entire output to serve in the event of subsequent requests to the same location.
is a WordPress plugin that uses the object cache (often Memcache in the context of WordPress) to store and serve rendered pages. It can also optionally cache redirects. It’s not as fast as some other caching plugins, but it can be used where file-based caching is not practical or desired.
Batcache is aimed at preventing a flood of traffic from breaking your site. It does this by serving old (5 minute max age by default, but adjustable) pages to new users. This reduces the demand on the web server CPU and the database. It also means some people may see a page that is a few minutes old. However, this only applies to people who have not interacted with your website before. Once they have logged-in or left a comment, they will always get fresh pages.
Although this plugin has a lot of benefits, it also has a couple of code design requirements:
As the rendered HTML of your pages might be cached, you cannot rely on server side logic related to $_SERVER, $_COOKIE or other values that are unique to a particular user.
You can however implement cookie or other user based logic on the front-end (e.g. with JavaScript)
Batcache does not cache logged in users (based on WordPress login cookies), so keep in mind the performance implications for subscription sites (like BuddyPress). Batcache also treats the query string as part of the URL which means the use of query strings for tracking campaigns (common with Google Analytics) can render page caching ineffective. Also beware that while WordPress VIP uses batcache, there are specific rules and conditions on VIP that do not apply to the open source version of the plugin.
There are other popular page caching solutions such as the W3 Total Cache plugin, though we generally do not use them for a variety of reasons.
AJAX Endpoints
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Often, we use JavaScript on the client-side to ping endpoints for things like infinite scroll.
WordPress to register AJAX endpoints on wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. However, WordPress does not cache queries within the administration panel for obvious reasons. Therefore, if you send requests to an admin-ajax.php endpoint, you are bootstrapping WordPress and running un-cached queries. Used properly, this is totally fine. However, this can take down a website if used on the frontend.
For this reason, front-facing endpoints should be written by using the and hooking early into the WordPress request process.
Here is a simple example of how to structure your endpoints:
* Register a rewrite endpoint for the API.
function prefix_add_api_endpoints() {
add_rewrite_tag( '%api_item_id%', '([0-9]+)' );
add_rewrite_rule( 'api/items/([0-9]+)/?', 'index.php?api_item_id=$matches[1]', 'top' );
add_action( 'init', 'prefix_add_api_endpoints' );

* Handle data (maybe) passed to the API endpoint.
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