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How To Use

Feel free to reach out to
@Amit Kumar-Hermosillo
@Trinity Lee
with questions

What is Scrum?

Scrum is an agile project management framework commonly used in industry that we are adapting for our purposes. It’s primary aim is to break down a larger goal (like building a car) into smaller, bite-sized pieces that can be effectively parallelized

The basis of Scrum is the sprint - a 3-4 week time period in which we aim to complete a set amount of work. We will have 4 sprints over the course of the semester:
Sprint 1 (returning members only): Now - 9/25
Sprint 2 (returning members car work, new members onboarding project): 9/25-10/23
Sprint 3 (all members): 10/23 - 11/17
Sprint 4 (all members): 12/4 - 12/18

What are the pages on this doc?


This is a page I built that aims to collect the most commonly needed things, including buttons to add new tasks/sprints, and a table showing your (the current logged in user) current assigned tasks and tasks to review.

Current Sprint

Fairly self-explanatory. Shows all the tasks in the current sprint. The Task Board subpage shows the same tasks in a Jira-style card view.

Product Backlog

This is our backlog of work containing things we need/want to get done, but haven’t been pulled into a sprint just yet. At the start of Sprint Planning, we decide which tasks we want to pull from the backlog into the current sprint. If you want to add a task to the backlog (which any member should feel free to do!), you can use the orange button on the Backlog page or on the home page.


Most of y’all shouldn’t need to touch this - it’s more of a configuration page that lists all our sprints and lets us set which one is active, which is used for a bunch of the other back-end calculations.


Holds the big table with all the tasks in it. This should not be edited directly, please use the special buttons to create new sprints/tasks because they preset certain hidden fields the way we need them and do some other back-end magic to make the whole thing work together :)

Anatomy of a Task

Name - task name
Status - Not Started, In Progress, Done, Blocked
Assignee - who should complete this
Sprint # - What number sprint this task is in. Note that the backlog is coded as sprint 0
Reviewer - Who will review this task prior to marking it as completed
Notes - catch-all for notes to/from the assignee or other task info
Tags - can tag with things like relevant skills, area of the car, etc.
Priority - how quickly we should prioritize this task
P0 - Do this immediately. Like, right now.
P1 - Pull this into our next sprint and ensure it gets done first
P2 - Can think of this as the “default” priority. If we have no P1s this is what we go to.
P3 - Low priority. Do these last if everything else is done.
Estimate - difficulty estimate for a particular task. I’ll give a rough approximation using time as a scale, but it’s an important distinction that this is not a time estimate, it is a difficulty estimate, which is a subtle but important difference. That being said, here is our scale:
1 - almost no time, just something I need to remember to do, eg send an email/slack message, find a part number, etc.
2 - Above a 1, but can still be done in one sitting. Think <1 hour for a returning member with some experience, like making a quick adjustment to a board schematic/layout
3 - more involved task than a 2, but can still be done in 1 (longer) sitting. A few hours for a returning member, like testing a board, or making a (not super complex) layout
5 - beefy task that will take an experienced member multiple sessions to tackle. Think designing a more intricate board or writing some more complex firmware task
8 - similar to a 5 but next level. this is the point where you should be considering ways to split this up into smaller tasks. something like writing the BMS firmware would fall in here (which we split up last year by having different folks work on the code that measures temperatures and voltages)
13 - you should definitely split this up.

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