Startup Secrets Sandbox
Startup Secrets Sandbox

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MSMBA Workshop 1-17-25

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Thank you for being so engaging in the workshop today. We learned a lot! Here are the materials as promised:

Slides from today’s workshop

Here are links to sections we skipped:

, with the example of
This should help you with your venture, particularly if you use the and feed it the value prop you created in class and ask it to help apply it to other audiences for other purposes like fundraising. And if you’re interested, there is also more on how to .

Follow up questions?

Your comments and questions are warmly welcomed here for follow up.
You will all receiving an invite to Coda shortly. It works just like a google doc. Double click on a word and look for the comment bubble or review this video on


A number of you already shared feedback but if you want to share it more honestly and anonymously, please do in the form below.
YOU are my customer and the only way we can improve these materials is by listing to your experience, so thank you for sharing!
We look forward to seeing you around on Campus!
Best, Michael


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