Duran is an industrial satellite city of Guayaquil, the largest city of Ecuador, with a rapid population growth that lead to a large area of informal settlements on the city. Applying an integrated climate risk management and urban health focus, we assess the Duran strategies for reducing vulnerability to flooding, landslides and heat waves through a collaborative inter-sectoral approach among the health, urban, and scientific actors. Stakeholder engagement between municipality and researchers are providing evidence and building knowledge to implement a climate action plan for the city.
The city of Duran, through its Risk Management Directorate (DGR), established a Memorandum of Understanding with the Pacific International Center for Disaster Risk Reduction (CIP-RRD) of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral ( ESPOL), and in a single co-design process developed the Climate Resilience project for Duran: Strategies to reduce hydroclimatic risks (RESCLIMA). The project seeks to understand the vulnerabilities and levels of climatic risks of floods, landslides and heat islands in Durán, allowing the identification of strategic lines and actions to increase urban resilience, with the participation of its municipal directorates, key urban actors and communities.
Our methodological approach
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