Research code of practice, which indicates how “responsible ethical conduct is expected in all aspects of research, including applying for funding, experimental design, generating and analysing data, using equipment and facilities, publishing results and acknowledging the direct and indirect contribution of
colleagues, collaborators and others”. The code addresses research data management, international research safeguards, intellectual property assignment, conflicts of interest, and controlled items in research. Principal Investigators (senior academic researcher in the University who takes responsibility for the
conduct and delivery of studies, which for grant-funded research will be by default be the grant holder) have have a responsibility to ensure compliance with the Code at the project level. All Researchers must familiarise themselves with this Code, abide by it, and be responsible and accountable for their own conduct and for abiding by the Code. This requirement also extends to honorary staff (e.g. honorary lecturers) engaged by the University, visiting staff and other individuals engaged by the University. Registered Students need to be aware of this Code and are responsible and accountable for their own conduct and for abiding by the guidance provided by their supervisors and this Code. Ethics review is required for any Registered Student’s research project. Registered Students who are on undergraduate or postgraduate taught (PGT)courses must seek ethics review via the local systems existing within their
School or College. This is done by submitting the form (
) that is required at the beginning of the project. Students, especially if they don’t have a background in psychology, should familiarise themselves with the following material:
The UoB STEM ethics committee reviews the ethics protocols submitted by staff members in Psychology. Usually, permanent staff members apply to create an umbrella protocol (ER_09_528 is an approved umbrella protocol that is normally used in the lab). To this umbrella approval, a second application leads to specific considerations that are then approved with a number: APXXA (i.e., AP_ER_09_528A52) which constitutes the full approval number.
The PI for the specific considerations is one of the staff members in the lab, so look at the documents to find who it is for the specific ethics approvals.
Students then provide the PI with their protocol that the PI approves.
Ethics information for specific projects
Please modify the information sheet and consent form appropriately for your study/project.
@Min Li
to add all documents TICS, tapping
General Guidance
26.9 kB
VR / touch exps
157.1 kB
Example Ethics form for VR studies (Note this study has already ended)
to identify what ethics approval it is aligned to. You then need to answer the questions in the form using the information in the documents listed on this page.
7) empty
8) ERN number
9) Open the relative document
10) First sentence on this page
11) Me
12) Students are normally not named on STEM ethics form, they need to send a statement that they will work on their project and receive approval by the PI
Example umbrella applications (links open in CANVAS VSOP, accessible to staff)
Behavioural, EEG, and fMRI investigations of social cognition and reasoning in healthy adults. (ERN 09-719, Apperly).
Collaborating with stakeholders to develop assessment or intervention tools for young people. Includes a broad range of methods. (ERN_19-1520P, Woodcock).
Studies of the human sensory-motor system in healthy adults and neurological disorders. Methods include visuo-motor tracking, EMG, peripheral nerve stimulation, amongst others (see programme for full description). (ERN_09-528, Miall).
Studies of communicative, cognitive and motor functioning in individuals with autism. Methods include questionnaires, interviews, cognitive tests, non invasive physiological measures, and others (see programme for full description). (ERN_16-0281P, Cook). .