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Giving Notion Coda's superpowers

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Giving Notion Coda's superpowers

Integrate Notion databases with Coda to take advantage of Coda automations, charts, buttons and the Packs ecosystem.



This Pack lets you use the best of Notion and Coda, your way.

The Notion Pack lets you...

Use Coda to create beautiful charts from your Notion data
Send emails through Coda from a contact list stored in Notion
Take advantage of Coda automations to create, update, and even delete pages in Notion
Use other Coda Packs to integrate your Notion database with virtually any tool

How are users of the Notion Pack using it today?

Send notifications via Slack or email when a change occurs in a Notion page
Automatically create new pages in their Notion Tasks database or Habit Tracker each day
Update their ‘must watch movies’ database with movie covers and IMDb ratings through the IMDb Pack
Power their Stock Portfolio in Notion by pulling prices from Coda’s stock and cryptocurrency Packs


Coda Automations

Use Coda Automations to schedule page creations in Notion at specific time intervals:
New page every day in your
Recurring tasks in your To-Do list
Automatic weekly reports in your Statistics database

Coda Charts

Use charts to analyse the data from your Notion databases, create area, bar, bubble, line, pie and scatter charts. Use word clouds in your

Coda Buttons

Use the special formula to execute multiple actions on your Notion data, for example sending an email with the Gmail Pack and automatically updating a Notion page, check for a great example.

Coda Packs

Integrate your Notion databases data with Coda Packs, send emails with Gmail, add events to Google Calendar, send text messages with Twilio or get stock prices with Stock power by IEX.

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