Unmoderated usability testing
Moderated usability testing
Mobile testing
Sentiment analysis
A/B testing
Click testing
Tree testing
Recruitment Panel
Comprehensive, participant payment built-in Expensive, model based on number of participants Understand
Annual price calculated based on 300 recruited participants (2:3 unmoderated/moderated ratio) (exclusive of std participant fee of $150) Only requires participant fees
Heat maps
Screen recording
Product analytics
Focuses on product analytics Monitors all users; security concerns for users with sensitive information Currently available for Reonomy but would need to upgrade to enterprise plan for $25k to also use with AE and APP Team is familiar with the product
Open ended feedback
Click testing
In-Product Intercept
Moderated usability testing
Recruitment Panel
Card sorting
Focuses on panel recruitment (120 mill from UserZoom) and interview/usability testing Widely used & recommended Conversion funnels, path analysis, usability metrics Understand
Spoke with Robert Zheng and Lawrence Williams Comprehensive offering of qualitative tools
Unmoderated usability testing
Moderated usability testing
Click testing
Sentiment analysis
A/B testing
Focuses on usability testing Integrates with User Interviews May be a good alternative
Recruitment Panel
Card sorting
Heat maps
In-Product Intercept
Focuses on survey testing Offers a recruitment panel Does not offer interviews or usability testing, recruitment panel would cost extra May be able to use Customer Success’ seat for the foreseeable future Already available via Customer Success
Card sorting
A/B testing
Click testing
Focuses on unmoderated quantitative usability testing Capable of testing live content/websites XD components have no functionality for users Spoke with Samantha Medeiros Negative reviewers from Reddit users on r/UXResearch Partnering with Prolific (panel) No moderated testing tools, limited panel
Card sorting
Click testing
Heat maps
Tree testing
Organization of notes/observations (Reframer tool) Unmoderated quantitative tools (first click, tree test) No session recording tools No participant scheduling tool Understand
No built-in moderation/video analysis tools
Open ended feedback
Focuses on (in-product) surveys and product analytics
No interviews or usability testing
Focuses on b2b, potentially includes enterprise software users. Claims to have a panel of 7,000 CRE asset managers. Expensive: recruitment fee is 30% - 50% Understand
Credit bundle package to save money, or PayGo Credit bundles 5000-100,000 to reduce the recruit fee to 30% (100,000) Annual Price is calculated based on 300 participants/year, $150/participant, 50% fee (only fee) Annual Price based on 300 participants/year, $100/participant, 50% fee = $15,000 Too expensive
Mobile testing
Unmoderated usability testing
Moderated usability testing
Focuses on mobile/tablet testing Ingrates with User Interviews No integration with Figma, other apps Price based on service only Geared mostly towards mobile testing needs, no advanced analytics
In-Product surveys
A/B testing
Unmoderated usability testing
Sentiment analysis
Focuses on in-product surveys Integration with Figma, Dovetail, User Interviews (discount if partnered with User Interviews) Only offers prototype testing No card sorting or tree sorting Additional usability/concept tests (more than 5) are $473
In-Product surveys
A/B testing
Heat maps
Click testing
Focuses on in-product surveys Too new and undersupported
Focuses on deriving and organizing insights from interviews Sentiment analysis, transcripts Integrates with Figma, Zendesk, OneDrive (soon), Notion No session recording tools Understand
Cost based on Business tier plan (not enterprise) Too specialized, no session capture tools
Unmoderated usability testing
Recruitment Panel
Focuses on panel recruitment, 2.4 million participants Fraud department that helps to weed out bad participants Integrations with many existing products (Figma, Qualtrics, Outlook) “CRE Portfolio Manager” is an option that comes up
No built-in tools to record/analyze sessions, would need to subscribe to an additional service Annual Price based on 300 participants/year, $150/participant = $57,480 Annual Price based on 300 participants/year, $100/participant = $42,480 Only offers panels without tools