
Upon reviewing your order #CF39702, we noticed it includes a pre-order item that is not yet available. From the date of receiving the above email, we are looking at 10-12 days of delay for the CF Belt's delivery due to production challenges at the HQ. We completely understand how important this is for you, and we sincerely apologize for any frustration this delay may have caused.
We want to make it up to you and hopefully turn this experience around. In the meantime, please accept this discount voucher that you can use on your next purchase. We hope this small gesture reminds you of how important you are to us and makes your shopping experience with us just a little more enjoyable. We truly appreciate your understanding.
Code: 4KJ0HDDN64D6
Terms and Conditions:
For Online Store
15% off 18 collections
No minimum purchase requirement
For Jassiel Bautista
One use per customer
Can’t combine with other discounts
Active from today until Oct 19, 2024
Should you have any other questions or need further assistance, we’re always here to help. Our team is focused on providing the best solution to meet your expectations.



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