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Irish ThirdLevel - Workspace Index

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Are you making decisions based on INSIGHTS or INSTINCTS?
Both have a time and place, but to help your team access the right insights quickly, use the table below to log all of your PMM-funded inbound. This can include everything from customer calls, surveys, independent market research, data analysis and more. We recommended some common Coda
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in the
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vault, but feel free to update that table if you need more options.

By keeping the table on this page up-to-date, the views of it found throughout this doc will automatically update as well!

💡 Tip: In our fast-paced world, no one can read every article or every synthesis. Try including 1-3 Headlines as bullet points in the “Notes & Highlights” column.
Add Insight
This table is sorted so that the most recent insights are at the top. Try using Filters or Grouping to further organize the data.
Insights Library
Inbound Types
Notes & Highlights
Product XYZ User Research
User Research
September 2020
Andrew Stinger
Polly Rose
Design Option B was the clear front-runner
Users responded well to the toggle schema for design Option C, but had trouble with the enry-point
June 2020 User Interview Synthesis
User Interview
June 2020
Andrew Stinger
20 Users Interviewed, with focus on team features
Pricing model confusion still persists - blocker for some upgrade opportunities at exec level
New login options are helping demonstrate platform security
May 2020 User Survey
User Survey
May 2020
Elaine Sohng
NPS - 88%
Our onboarding flow improvements are working, but most users still can’t find their account settings
The new delight features (sight, sound, animation) are creating product stickiness
Mapping Workplace Collaboration Startups
Market Research
3P Analysis
Competitive Intel
January 2020
Elaine Sohng
Great write-up on our space by VC at Lightspeed
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