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7. DNS, Caching and Performance Optimization
Amazon Route 53

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Health Checks

Last edited 52 days ago by Kirtan Chavda

Route53 Health Checks

Amazon Route 53 health checks monitor the health and performance of your web applications, web servers, and other resources. Each health check that you create can monitor one of the following:
The health of a specified resource, such as a web server.
The status of other health checks.
The status of an Amazon CloudWatch alarm.
Additionally, with Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller, you can set up routing control health checks with DNS failover records to manage traffic failover for your application.

Types of Health Checks


Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
Submits an HTTP request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.


Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
Submits an HTTPS request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.


Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
Submits an HTTP request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the specified string in SearchString.


Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
Submits an HTTPS request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the specified string in SearchString.


Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.


The health check is associated with a CloudWatch alarm.
If the alarm state is OK, the health check is considered healthy. If it's ALARM, the health check is considered unhealthy.
If CloudWatch lacks sufficient data to determine the state, the health check status depends on InsufficientDataHealthStatus setting: Healthy, Unhealthy, or LastKnownStatus.


For health checks monitoring other health checks' status.
Route 53 adds up the number of health checks considered healthy and compares it with the HealthThreshold value.

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