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Sprint overview based on functionalities
We will have 2 sprints per month as of 15th of March, 2021
We will have a DEMO SESSION on 15th of May, 2021
Sprint 1
Sprint 2
Sprint 3
Sprint 4
Sprint 5
Sprint 6
Sprint 7
Jan 2024
Feb 2024
Mar 2024
Tabel view

Sprint 1

Initial Next.js application setup for Shop (15) S1
Initial Next.js application setup for Admin panel (15) S1
As a developer, I can automatically deploy shop and admin app on Netlify - staging (4) S1
As a developer, I can use redux in Next.js app (10) S1
As a developer, I can see the storybook screen (4) S1
As a developer, I can write unit tests for frontend (8) S1
As a developer, I can write unit tests for backend (4) S1
Create ERD (8) S1
Initial NestJS application setup (8) S1
Dockerized PostgreSQL database setup (4) S1
Migration and database seed system setup (4) S1
CI setup (10) S1
Create local strategy for authentication based on email and password (6) S1
Create token based authentication (4) S1
Create user authentication using Google and Amazon OAuth2 (8) S1
Create Products service (20) S1
User should be able to see all products S1
User should be able to filter products S1
Admin should be able to add new products, update and delete them S1

Sprint 2

As a developer, I can use Loader component while fetching backend data (2) S2
As a developer, I can use an api factory (8) S2
As a developer, I can send objects with Form Provider to backend and handle errors (16) S2
As a developer, I can use globally defined styles for typography, buttons, colors.. (16) S2
Create User service (18) S2
User should be able to add and edit personal informations such as first name, last name, phone number, shipping address and billing address S2
User should be able to reset password S2
User should be able to change password S2
Create Products service (14) S2
Create Cart service (40) S2
User should be able to add or remove products from his cart in logged out and logged in state S2
User should be able to keep all products he added to cart in logged out state when he loges in S2
User should be able to see content of his cart S2
Create global pagination (18) S2

Sprint 3

As a developer, I can use pie and bar charts (8) S3
As a user, I can stay logged in after reloading/exiting the app (2) S3
As a user, I can login to app (6) S3
As a user, I can create new account (6) S3
As a user, I cannot access any protected routes without being logged in (4) S3
As a user, I can logout from app (2) S3
As a user, I can recover my account (4)
As a user, I can see header (8) S3
As a user, I can see footer (8) S3
As a admin, I can login to admin panel app (8) S3
Integrate Stripe (40) S3
Create Order service (16) S3
User should be able to create new order S3
User should be able to see his order history S3
Admin should be able to see all orders S3
Admin should be able to change order state S3

Sprint 4

As a user, I can see Home screen (36) S4
As a user, I can see section with Home, Office, Hotel cards on Home screen S4
As a user, I can see section with categories on Home screen S4
As a user, I can see slider with top products on Home screen S4
As a user, I can see carousel with static reviews on Home screen S4
As a user, I can see info section on Home screen S4
As a user, I can see have questions section on Home screen S4
As a user, I can see help section on Home screen S4
As a user, I can see Category home screen (10) S4
As a user, I can see category info on Category home screen S4
As a user, I can see slider with top products on Category home screen S4
As a user, I can see carousel with static reviews on Category home screen S4
As a user, I can see see more section on Category home screen S4
As a user, I can see info section on Category home screen S4
As a user, I can see have questions section on Category home screen S4
As a user, I can see help section on Category home screen S4
As a user, I can see Single product screen (18) S4
As a user, I can see info section on Single product screen S4
As a user, I can see section with View Specification, Manuals, Get Application on Single product screen S4
As a user, I can slider with top products on Single product screen S4
As a admin, I can see Products screen (34) S4
As a admin, I can see all products with pagination on Products screen S4
As a admin, I can create new products on Products screen S4
As a admin, I can edit products on Products screen S4
As a admin, I can set discount to product on Products screen S4
As a admin, I can remove discount from product on Products screen S4
As a admin, I can delete product on Products screen S4
Setup NestJS mailer (12) S4
Create reset password mail S4
Setup File service (24) S4

Sprint 5

As a logged in user, I can see User account screen (16) S5
As a logged in user, I can see my profile informations on User account screen S5
As a logged in user, I can edit my profile informations on User account screen S5
As a logged in user, I can change my password on User account screen S5
As a logged in user, I can add products to my cart (5) S5
As a user, I can add products to my cart (5) S5
As a user, I can add products to cart in logged out state and still see them if I log in (10) S5
As a user, I can see Cart screen (40) S5
As a user, I can see products in my cart S5
As a user, I can change amount of each product in cart S5
As a user, I can remove products from my cart S5
As a user, I can see section with total price on Cart screen S5
As a user, I can see Checkout screen (24) S5
As a user, I can insert shipping and billing info on Checkout screen S5
As a logged in user, I can see prefilled shipping and billing info on Checkout screen S5
As a user, I can see cart overview on Checkout screen S5
As a user, I can insert voucher code on Checkout screen S5
As a user, I can create an order on Checkout screen S5
Test payment (15) S5
(last updated 10.05.2021 00:45)

Sprint 6

As a user, I can see Shop screen (24) S6
As a user, I can see tabs with product on Shop screen S6
As a user, I can filter products on Shop screen S6
As a user, I can see FAQ screen (12) S6
As a user, I can submit new question on FAQ screen S6
As a user, I can send my question using WhatApp, Messenger and Viber on FAQ screen S6
As a user, I can see guides section on FAQ screen S6
As a user, I can see Installation guide screen (4) S6
As a user, I can see Delivery guide screen (4) S6
As a admin, I can see Financial screen (24) S6
As a admin, I can see all invoices from Stripe on Financial screen S6
As a admin, I can download one or multiple invoices as PDF/Zip S6
As a admin, I can see Delivery screen (10) S6
As a admin, I can see all orders with pagination on Delivery screen S6
As a admin, I can edit order status on Delivery screen S6
Create Voucher service (16) S6
User should be able to use voucher on products S6
Admin should be able to create new vouchers S6
Admin should be able to add discount to specific products S6
Test payment (15) S6

Sprint 7

As a logged in user, I can see My orders screen (20) S7
As a logged in user, I can see all previous orders with pagination on My orders screen
As a logged in user, I can sort my orders by order date
As a user, I can see Resolve issues screen (4) S7
As a user, I can see Will it fit screen (4) S7
As a user, I can see Support Mobile Application screen (4) S7
As a user, I can see Manuals screen (4) S7
As a admin, I can see general overview of statistics on Dashboard screen ) S7
As a admin, I can see Accounts screen (24) S7
As a admin, I can see all users and their roles on Accounts screen) S7
As a admin, I can search users by name, email and role on Accounts screen) S7
As a admin, I can create new admin account on Accounts screen) S7
As a admin, I can see Vouchers screen (18) S7
As a admin, I can see list with all vouchers with pagination on Vouchers screen S7
As a admin, I can add new voucher on Vouchers screen S7
As a admin, I can edit existing voucher on Vouchers screen S7
As a admin, I can delete voucher on Vouchers screen S7
As a admin, I can see Dashboard screen (20) S7

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