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Rotera Loop Approvals

Nov 10 - NPI Search

Reviewed: 2021 Nov 10
Reviewer: Kashif Ross


Loop is approved
Loop requires updates

Suggestions for updates (if applicable):

Generated Whisper
Currently, generating a Whisper is not very intuitive. Some reading is required to get started. I recommend starting with the input form instead of making users read to open a Whisper.
Updatable Whispers are now possible, meaning a new Whisper does not have to open with each click. Consider keeping all of your Whispers on one card and allowing users to click “Back” after selecting an option.
Scrolling is also possible, so users don’t have to click “Next” to view options. A better user experience would be to scroll through the list instead of clicking buttons.


Does the Loop adhere to our
UX Tenets
How/why Whispers are being generated is apparent to the user
Visual Design
Fonts are properly used (headlines, body copy, links, etc)
Logos are legible
Color strip (Does it align with the branding?)
Whisper Content
Is relevant to user tasks
Helps users complete their objectives
Titles and content have correct grammar and readability
Expanded Whispers are not longer than the sidebar
When navigating away from a result, the user can easily return to their result

Loop Library

Logos are legible
Loop library page - Title and description have correct grammar and readability
Details page - Title and description have correct grammar and readability

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.