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Toolkit for Local Groups

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Collecting collages

Getting your group's digital strikes ready for collages

How to collect submissions

Encourage your local group to post digital strikes on their stories or on their posts: this allows the climate movement to spread through exposure and allows you to collect their submissions easily
If people are unwilling to post on their story publicly, encourage them to just post a sign without their face or message you their digital strike directly
for pictures you can repost on the themes as a repost or on your story (or check our Google Drive once we make one :))
In their posts, make sure digital strikers
Tag your local group (e.g. @fridaysforfutureromania)
Use international hashtags #ClimateStrikeOnline or #DigitalStrike and the weekly theme (#ActOnScience)
Use regional hashtags (e.g. #HuelgaDigitalPeru)
This allows you to easily find submissions through mentions on your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other apps (link to guide for collecting submissions for each platform)
Find your submissions using hashtags, mentions, and direct messages (you should be able to download them manually, if you need to download hundreds of digital strikes at a time DM @jettzhang (guide coming in the future)
Two options:
Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 7.19.21 PM.png
Look up the hashtags you're collecting from
Screenshot all submissions you see
Make sure to crop your images so profile picture information is not shared and so the collages look nice
Stories/other DMs/mentions
Check your direct messages and you should see all the times people @ your account. Collect these by pressing the story to open it up and screenshot it (I recommend downloading the chrome extension so you can download a larger file). Make sure to crop out personal information (unless permission is otherwise given)
Computer (chrome extension)
This allows you to download files directly from posts
Save and organize them into an online storage system (Google Drive is the simplest)
Make sure to highlight your favorites for a cover post
Sort them into groups you'd like to highlight, like scientists, indigenous peoples, pets, etc.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.