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I did 200+ interviews with founders, operators, and investors and here's what we can learn

Key takeaways from 200+ interviews
I have published 200+ interviews. It has been an incredibly rewarding journey of getting to know, working with, and learning from so many incredible individuals working globally in a wide range of sectors from healthcare to fintech to real estate to venture capital to public markets to consumer and more.
At this milestone, I wanted to reflect back on every interview I have done starting from the very beginning in early 2019. While I have categorized these on my website (bit.ly/jessicali) by role (founder, operator, and investor) and industry, I felt it would be immensely more useful to categorize them by tactical insight, so people looking for guidance around a specific topic can immediately find the advice and inspiration here regardless of role or industry and be immediately “mentored” by others through accessible content.
So I have done just that: categorized all 200+ interviews (and will continue to do so) by strategic focus area, including finding your problem, building user focused products, scaling, building your network, learning about new spaces, learning technical skills, navigating discrimination, and much more.
I am excited to share this with you all and welcome any feedback, questions, or recommendations for other people to feature. DM me and check out more content at beacons.ai/jessicali
Finding your problem
Designing a user focused product
Brand building
Finding co-founders
Building teams
Leading companies
Building your personal brand
Building your network
Learning about new spaces

Finding the right role
Getting the role
Learning technical skills
Leading teams at large companies

Navigating challenges around discrimination
Finding work life balance
Finding resilience

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