Intellect is needed to be mastering new skills in activities beyond the scope of the current applied skills. Regularly in our work, we meet with unfamiliar situations in which it is unclear how to act. In the absence of intelligence in these cases, the activity stops, but it is even worse if the activity does not stop! An active fool is much worse than an idler! If intellect is present (and some intelligence always is), an investigation begins. People deal with problems in unfamiliar situations today with the help of practices based on transdisciplines/teachings (sometimes called "fundamental disciplines", hence the words "fundamental education"):
Conceptualization: we discern some "figures from the background" as objects in a situation, structure our perception in some way, find some analogies, and speculates. We act like poets very creatively, but we don't pay attention to mistakes: "I am an artist, I see it that way!"
Self-Collectedness: we consciously single out the objects of our attention, switch attention from object to object of our own free will, attention does not drift away, attention is enough for the time necessary for activity, the body (and its additional tools) is manageable and does not interfere with dealing with the situation. We assembled cyborgs in this regard because we help the work of attention with computers, and we support the body's work with tools.
Semantics: objects and relations are distinguished in a situation. Some names are given to them, the level of formality of descriptions and the ratio of descriptions (mathematical objects), and the world (physical objects) are determined. Here we are semantics.
Information Theory: descriptions are information (in a quantum computer - super-information) encoded on media by specific signals. We interpret these signals. Computer scientists think about encoding, which media to store information on, and how to transmit information.
Concept Theory: the types of these objects and relations are determined (they are taken mainly from culture and not composed on the go). In this place, a "type engine" works for a person (or a machine! Or a computer-enhanced person!); he is a typologist.
Ontology: we build descriptions of the world at various levels of abstraction, for which we abstract / model / schematize and vice versa specify / demo model / render the model. At each level of composition relations (part-whole, system levels), objects have new properties (emergence), and we change abstractions to describe them. It is an ontologist that works in us.
Logic: with objects and relations from the situation and the potential types of these objects and relations identified in culture, the logician conducts reasoning; in this reasoning, he detects errors.
Explanations: we mainly need not just any descriptions and reasoning, but descriptions and reasoning about causes and effects. Such descriptions are explanations. Our models of the world and reasoning must be explained primarily to ourselves and other people. The explainer does this.
Algorithmics: our inner algorithmic understands how we reason. Reasoning/calculations are carried out with descriptions/ontologies/models of the situation, and this reasoning is distributed among different computers (the brain and its exocortex: computers of different physical nature). The reasoning is calculation. The thinking is also calculations. Intelligence is calculations, while we precisely understand how a physical calculator (a person and a computer) models mathematical objects with which we describe the physical world.
Research: the search for relationships between causes and effects, that is, explanations, is the researcher's responsibility. He finds a problem in the world that needs to be solved and finds the solution as an explanation that leads to predictions about possible interventions or inaction. The situation is guessed as new explanations, but some explanations can be taken from the culture.
Aesthetics: gives the criteria of beauty (in studies, it is customary to talk about elegance) in the results of thinking and human action. Aesthetics tells what kind of response our behavior evokes not so much in the surrounding world as in the agents themselves (and it is not a fact that modern aesthetics discusses, for example, the emotional impact of some products of labor and descriptions only on human agents. No, modern aesthetics considers both agents with artificial intelligence and artificial life).
Ethics: our conscience evaluates the justification of the goals we set and the chosen means of achieving these goals.
Rhetoric: we try to convince other people to accept our world models, goals, and chosen means to achieve them. To do this, the speaker gives other people a persuasive speech.
Methodology: the situation requires some kind of purposeful collective action - a project, some cultural methods of action (methods) should be used in the situation, people-agents/practitioners with their tools should play some roles, some goals should be achieved (by what) by means selected from a variety of alternatives under conditions of limited resources. The practitioner will help with reasoning about how to achieve goals in collective work.
Economics: collective activity requires exchanging scarce resources, making voluntary exchanges, entering into contracts, and establishing enterprises. We deal with this as an entrepreneur.
Systems thinking: in a situation of collective activity to create target systems in their environment using rare resources, it is necessary to build systems that ensure that living growing systems do on their own: in technical and social systems, their life cycles are not life cycles and not cycles. The systems engineer sees the world around him as various interacting systems. This, in turn, allows you to pay attention to what is essential in a situation and coordinate attention management for all agents involved in the project.
Human action: the project should use state-of-the-art engineering practices (with its variations for various subject areas: medicine, education, computer science, etc.), management, and entrepreneurship. The employee must have an understanding of these basic labor practices.
The fact that the SoTA practices of intelligence as a mental skill have changed dramatically in the 21st century gives a special piquancy to the moment. An excellent fundamental education of the last century works today as the theory of phlogiston worked in physics before the advent of modern thermodynamics. And it worked great until it was replaced in physics by more modern theories.
In logic itself, Aristotelian logic has approximately the same status as the theory of phlogiston: it belongs to the history of logic and not to modern logic, just as the idea of phlogiston belongs to the history of physics and not to modern physics.
And do not forget that after the intellect has worked out and you have oriented yourself in the situation, you will need to use your applied skills: you will be paid money for doing the work and not for a good understanding of the situation.