There are several ways that you can communicate to your participants collectively, each well suited for different situations and needs. Let's take a look at them.
Event Messages
If you find yourself in need of messaging your participants during any point during the event, you can do so with Event Messages. These will be accessible to all enrolled individuals via the platform as well as in their inbox.
From your dashboard, navigate to Event Messages
Now you'll have the option to click 'Add message',and see messages that you may have already sent.
Next, you can give your message a title as well as write the message itself. You are also able to format the text to your liking in the text editor.
If you are sending many messages, you have the option to categorise your message by using tags. This makes it possible for participants to filter by category and hence find messages and resources. Type in your tag, and hit enter.
You can also choose to include a file in your message by clicking 'Attach File'.
Once you are ready to send the message, simply hit the ‘Submit’ button.
System Emails
System emails are a number of default emails that are designed to notify participants about actions related to the event, like signing-up, or upon successful upload of their solution. We have set everything up to best practice, meaning that every email is automatically updated based on the changes you make on the platform.
You are however free to adjust these emails to your liking if you wish to do so.
Find System emails on the dashboard
Choose if you are looking to edit a participant or Event-related email
Click the arrow pointing down to select an email
Make your edits.
Finally, remember to click 'save.'
Beware, that deleting tokens, (those things in curly brackets, like {Event_Name}) means that it won't be automatically updated when you make edits.
With Innoflow, you can set up automatic feedback based on their scores. If you are looking to set up Automatic Feedback, please read more here: