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Profitable Course Guide for Teachable Instructors

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Profitable Course Guide for Teachable Instructors

Go from a list of passions to a profitable online course curriculum.

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This doc helps and other online course instructors find a course idea that will make money. Morgan Timm from Teachable argues that teaching online is most profitable when:
There is an audience for your course
Your course is narrow enough that you can get nitty gritty
You are an authority on the topic
You’ve gone back and validated your course idea

We'll walk through the steps of identifying a profitable course idea. First, you’ll decide which of your passions will be the most impactful. Second, you become a thought leader in online communities where your target audience hangs out. Along the way, it’s important to track pain points of your audience in the online communities.
After you’ve identified and validated pain points, you’ll then list how you overcome pain points, step by step. Those steps then turn into lessons. Finally, you’ll create a curriculum that is perfectly tailored to your audience.
The doc is largely based on guidance outlined on Teachable's

Steps to creating a profitable course idea

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