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Hatton Street, Bilston, Wolverhampton, WV14 0TY

Basic Planning Desktop Overview

Is the site Greenfield or Brownfield?
Does the site benefit from Outline planning consent?
No residential planning history within the last 30 years
Does the site have any planning history?
No residential planning history within the last 30 years
Do surrounding sites have any relevant planning history?
Yes, Redrow secured consent for 242 homes on Greenway Works site.
Is the site allocated for development in the Local Plan or Neighbourhood Plan, or included on Brownfield Register?
Allocated for residential use within the Bilston Area Action Plan. Allocations referenced in 2019 Wolverhampton SHLAA (site ref 36680).
Development Plan Designations e.g. Green Belt/ ANOB/ SSSI/Within or outside settlement boundary etc
No green belt, AONB or SSSI issues.
Other site constraints e.g. TPOs, topography, watercourses, neighbouring uses
No specific constraints known within the site boundary. Proximity of adjacent industrial uses could be a potential issue.
EIA Screening required?
Likely Environmental Considerations/requirements e.g. LVIA, Ecology, Archaeology etc.
Unlikely that a LVIA would be required! However part of the site does have established trees within it and is over grown so potential for some ecological issues.
Local Development Plan Status
Black Country Plan currently being prepared to replace existing Black Country Core Strategy.
Was the site assessed in a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment?
Yes, site was assessed and highlighted as deliverable due to it’s allocation within the Bilston Area AAP. The wider area is allocated for up to 140 more homes.
What is the settlement strategy in the adopted/emerging Local Plan? Is the settlement a priority for delivery? Does the LPA policy contain... AH target
The current BCCS requires 25% affordable housing.

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